Cool and Creepy Monster Building

black and white monster illustration


This lesson is designed for young campers. Reading skills are not necessary for this activity. Read instructions to non-readers. The Web site used in the lesson is fun. It was tested by the experts, kids.


Your campers will learn to make choices as they enjoy building their own monsters using the Build a Monster Web site.

Web Site

Build a Monster


Very little lecture time is necessary for this activity. You will need index cards for an off-line activity associated with the lesson. Since you will be working with young campers you may want to access the site for them before you begin. Give an explanation of what the campers can do at this site and, then, just let them go to it. A potential presentation outline follows.

  • Present a captivating introduction to the lesson. Ask "What is a monster? Are monsters real?"
  • Provide an overview of today's activity.
  • Distribute the worksheet and facilitate today's Internet activity.
  • Summarize and discuss what was learned today.

Activity Worksheet: Cool and Creepy Monster Building


Today you get to be an artist as you explore the Build-a-Monster Web site. Follow these instructions to find the monster building site and build your own monster.

  1. If your instructor hasn't already found the site for you, find the Build-a-Monster site at this URL (ask for help if you need it):
  2. Select a body part to work with and then replace it with one of the choices you see. Choose another body part and replace it to create a new creature. Continue building monsters.
  3. Now, make your own monster building game. Your teacher will give you index cards for this part of today's activity.
    • Draw a monster head on each of two index cards.
    • Draw a monster body on each of two index cards.
    • Draw monster feet on each of two index cards.
    • Re-arrange your cards to create different monsters.
    • Find a partner, exchange monster parts, and arrange your cards like a puzzle to create new monsters.
    • Continue trading parts with other campers. Your friends will have some of your parts on their monsters, and you will have their drawings as part of your monsters. Continue drawing and trading.