Snapshots 2016: A Yearbook for DO-IT Participants

Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler

Welcome to DO‑IT Snapshots 2016!

The DO-IT Center has hosted Summer Study sessions for students with disabilities on the campus of the University of Washington (UW) since our first session in 1993. When measured by the achievements of our participants and their interest in staying connected with each other and newcomers, the success of the community we have established is clear.

This publication facilitates communication among DO‑IT Scholars, Pals, and Mentors. DO‑IT Scholars are high school students with disabilities who are preparing for college and careers. They have interests in challenging fields that include science, mathematics, engineering, technology, and business. They attend our Summer Study program at UW in Seattle, participate in internships and leadership activities, and take part in an e-community year-round. Additional high school students with disabilities, the DO‑IT Pals, join this e-community. When Scholars move on to college, they become DO‑IT Ambassadors, sharing their experiences with the younger Pals and Scholars. This e-community is also supported by DO‑IT Mentors, most of whom have disabilities themselves and are pursuing challenging postsecondary studies and careers.

Primary funding for DO‑IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the state of Washington, and the U.S. Department of Education. These and other investors, listed in the DO‑IT Funding section on pages 102-103 of this publication, sponsor the many activities that DO‑IT undertakes. We appreciate their generous support. Those who wish to help fund continued efforts can submit their donation with the Support DO‑IT: How Can You DO-IT? form on page 104.

DO‑IT has received many awards, including the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. We also received the National Information Infrastructure Award, the Golden Apple Award, the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) Exceptional Program Award, the Trace Research and Development Center’s Catalyst Award, the University of Washington College of Engineering Team Innovator Award, the Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD) Robert S. Greenberg Innovation Award, and the AHEAD Professional Recognition Award. These awards document the achievements of the DO‑IT participants. Together, these young people are changing the world, making it a more welcoming and accessible place for all of us.

Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.
Founder and Director, DO‑IT and Accessible Technology Services, UW-IT
Affiliate Professor, College of Education
University of Washington


2016 DO-IT Trailblazers

The DO‑IT Trailblazer award highlights DO‑IT community members who forge new pathways that will benefit others. Through their work and accomplishments they have changed the way the world views people with disabilities and have increased the potential of people with disabilities to succeed in college, careers, and community life. Congratulations to this year’s honorees!

Rick Ells has worked for many years as a senior webmaster for the University of Washington Information Technology unit. He is a web designer, graphic artist, instructor, technical writer, and long-time champion of accessible information technology. In 2003, Rick started the Accessibleweb@u special interest group, which meets regularly to discuss and demonstrate principles of accessible web design and electronic content. His leadership in this group reminds us that campus-based technology should be accessible for students, faculty, and staff with disabilities, and that improving digital accessibility is a long-term process involving many stakeholders. Rick is particularly adept at recruiting new accessibility champions and helping create incredible tools for others, such as the Accessible Technology at the UW website. He has included accessibility in his training for nearly 20 years.

Cynthia Bennett is active in AccessEngineering, AccessComputing, and AccessSTEM. She is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. She has conducted research in accessibility, a subarea of human-computer interaction (HCI). Much of her work focuses on improving the accessibility of the technology design process itself. Cynthia is an active mentor for younger students and shares her knowledge through panel presentations, published work, and informal teaching moments with faculty and staff. She was co-author on the Best Student Paper at the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2014). She was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in 2015.

Michael Reese, Associate Director of Experiential Learning at Bellevue College’s Center for Career Connections, has engaged with DO-IT in many activities as a collaborator in the AccessSTEM project. He consistently goes above and beyond the typical scope of work to work with, recruit, and prepare students with disabilities for the Workforce Recruitment Program. He developed a class to prepare students with disabilities for the workforce and has been a campus coordinator for community events that support students with disabilities, such as the Washington State Business Leadership Network Job Fair. He takes time out of his personal schedule to attend and bring students to events such as the Microsoft Ability Summit.

Jesse Shaver, a DO-IT Ambassador and ‘03 Scholar, as well as an AccessSTEM and AccessComputing team member, has excelled as a mentor since he graduated from college in 2009. He consistently makes time to engage in mentoring, student mock interview sessions, and other activities to help students prepare for technical job interviews. He believes that people with disabilities bring a unique skill set to programming. Jesse has a unique blend of solid technical skills with incredible communication skills. He is a good listener and cares about the experiences of others. Through his efforts, student mentees build confidence and ultimately enter job-seeking activities with purpose and strategy.

Previous DO‑IT Trailblazer award winners:


Anna Ewing, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘09 Scholar, for her work educating others about the experience of living with an unpredictable disability and for her advocacy efforts regarding the education of individuals with disabilities. Anna helped develop Seattle Central College’s disability studies course, the first of its kind in the Seattle College District.

Kavita Krishnaswamy, a graduate student in computer science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and an AccessComputing team member, for her accomplishments in the application of robotics to increase the independence of people with disabilities. In the past year, Kavita has pioneered the use of robots to participate in multiple conferences across the country without needing to travel.

Katie Sullivan, DO-IT Mentor, for mentoring DO-IT participants at Microsoft and engaging in DO-IT’s collaborative Summer Academy for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Computer Science.

Brandon Muller, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘01 Scholar, for leadership and dedication to programs that promote the success and full inclusion of youth with disabilities in education and employment. Brandon is a member of the Washington State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment, where he acts as a vice chair on the Youth Leadership Forum Planning Committee.

Dr. Daniela Marghitu, a professor in the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department at Auburn University, for her contributions to multiple projects that DO-IT directs or co-directs, including AccessComputing, AccessCSForAll, and AccessEngineering. She is the founding director of the Auburn University Educational and Assistive Technology Laboratory and the Co-PI and Technology Coordinator of the Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM.

Dr. Jonathan Lazar, professor of computer and information sciences and director of the Undergraduate Program in Information Systems at Towson University, for enthusiastic engagement within multiple DO-IT projects that include AccessSTEM, AccessComputing, and AccessEngineering and for encouraging others to engage in these projects and contribute their expertise.


Dr. Norm Coombs, chief executive officer of Equal Access to Software and Information, for providing opportunities for others to have access to assistive technology. He pioneered Rochester Institute of Technology’s (RIT’s) distance learning program, received Zenith’s Master of Innovation award for his uses of distance learning to mainstream students with disabilities, and has co-presented with DO-IT at multiple conferences and workshops.

Myrna Muto, coordinator of Seattle Public Schools counselors, for being an active advocate for high school students with disabilities preparing for college and careers. She has worked with DO-IT to develop and disseminate newsletters, host events, and facilitate trainings and workshops for Seattle Schools educators and staff.

Vincent Martin, AccessComputing team member, for being an active member and mentor on DO-IT’s e-mentoring communities, giving invaluable advice on technical details, complex software/hardware interaction, and accessible technology for postsecondary education.

Dr. Kelsey Byers, DO-IT Mentor, for her countless presentations on equal access in academics, fieldwork, governance, student events, and other aspects of campus life, and constant advocacy and presence at DO-IT events. She has been active in the broader UW community, making important contributions on several committees, student groups, and other entities that promote access and inclusion for everyone.


Dr. Bea Awoniyi, long-time DO-IT collaborator, Santa Fe College Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, and president elect for the Board of Directors of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), for her work to better serve students and veterans with disabilities, including substantial contributions to DO-IT resources and the AccessCollege project.

Anna Marie Golden, founder and manager of AnnAtycal Web Studio, DO-IT Mentor, and part of UW’s Accessible Technology Services team, for outstanding mentoring and her work to increase accessibility on the Internet, including the development of an accessible website for the Deaf-Blind Service Center.

Susan Gjolmesli, director of the Disability Resource Center at Bellevue College, DO-IT Mentor, and project partner, for outstanding advocacy in the promotion of accessible campuses and the development of the Autism Spectrum Navigators Program. She was designated as a Living Treasure at Bellevue College in 2009 and received the Washington State Governor’s Trophy in Memory of Carolyn Blair Brown in 2012.

Michael Richardson, co-director of the Northwest ADA (American with Disabilities Act) Center and DO-IT Mentor, for his relentless advocacy and enthusiasm for the participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of our community.


Katrina Carter, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘98 Scholar, for her advocacy in founding a disability student group at UW Bothell; and her work in the National Youth Leadership Network, Think First National Injury Prevention Foundation, National Leadership Conference for Youth with Disabilities, and the Army Corps Equal Employment Opportunities Commission.

Wendy Chisholm, DO-IT Mentor, senior Microsoft strategist, for co-editing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 and 2.0, which form the basis of most web accessibility policies throughout the world; co-authoring the book Universal Design for Web Applications; and founding Accessibility Camp Seattle. 

Dyane Haynes, DO-IT Mentor, DO-IT partner, and director of Disability Resources for students at UW, for her tireless efforts in sharing disability resources and promoting universal design through capacity-building institutes, as well as her work within DO-IT Admin, DO-IT Prof, DO-IT College, and AccessSTEM projects.

Conrad Reynoldson, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘03 Scholar, for his work to raise disability awareness in the community. He was the first person to use a power wheelchair in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle half marathon, has organized comedy nights to increase the visibility of people with disabilities, completed an internship at Disability Rights Washington, and was a congressional intern in Washington, DC.


Laura Bersos, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘04 Scholar, for developing community among DO-IT Scholars and participants. Laura has attended Summer Study every year since she became involved with DO-IT.

Kayla Brown, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘05 Scholar, for advocacy work at Bellevue College and nonprofits. She advocates for people with disabilities in Seattle, traveled to New Orleans to help rebuild after Hurricane Katrina, participated in City Year, and has served on the ATeam leadership group for DO-IT’s AccessSTEM project.

E.A. Draffin, research staff in the University of Southampton’s School of Electronics and Computer Science in the United Kingdom, for promoting accessibility in e-learning, the web, and mobile devices; providing an international database of accessible technology; and supporting students with disabilities to increase accessibility in education, employment, and their daily lives.


Dr. Martha Bosma, associate professor of biology at UW, for her leadership in the inclusion of people with disabilities in science education and careers, outreach to ensure accessible science labs, and mentoring of DO-IT Scholars in their transition to postsecondary education.

Corinna (Lang) Fale, DO-IT Ambassador and ’00 Scholar, for her work promoting self-advocacy for people with disabilities through her position as co-coordinator of the Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Determination (LEAD) Coalition at the Arc of Snohomish County and as a representative for People First of Washington.

Dr. Sang-Mook Lee, professor of geophysics at Seoul National University, for promoting access to technology, education, and employment for people with disabilities in South Korea.

Noah Seidel, DO-IT Ambassador and ’05 Scholar, for his disability advocacy and leadership on the UW campus and in the Seattle community. He has organized disability awareness events and has spoken on numerous panels regarding inclusion, access, and transition to college and careers.

Priscilla Wong, DO-IT Ambassador and ’95 Scholar, for her volunteer work serving people with disabilities at the Ronald McDonald House and Children’s Hospital and ongoing dedication to advocating for accessible programs and environments.


Kim Borowicz, disability rights lawyer at Access Living and DO-IT Mentor, for contributions on to the field of disability law and a commitment to tackling issues of access to transportation, media, and education for people with disabilities.

Loren Mikola, disability inclusion program manager at Microsoft and AccessSTEM team member, for contributions in making Microsoft an inclusive environment for employees with a wide variety of abilities and for promoting the design of accessible technology.

Kris Rosenberg, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘94 Scholar, for contributing to the long-term success of DO-IT’s college preview and technology program at Camp Courage by providing lab and technology support, instruction, and mentoring.

Jessie Sandoval, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘98 Scholar, for academic achievement and pursuit of a career in disability law.

Chris Schlechty, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘02 Scholar, for academic achievement, pursuit of a career in computing, and mentoring interns with disabilities in the workplace nationwide.


Daman Wandke, DO-IT Ambassador and ‘05 Scholar, for leadership in organizing disability awareness activities on a postsecondary campus.

Al Souma, coordinator of Disability Support Services at Seattle Central Community College and AccessCollege team member, for responding to emerging issues of students with disabilities, including those related to people with mental health impairments and veterans with disabilities.

Dr. Mamoru Iwabuchi, associate professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo and assistant director of DO-IT Japan, for promoting DO-IT practices internationally.


Dennis Lang, associate director of the disability studies program at UW, for promoting the adoption of a disability studies program which now resides in the School of Law. He has also mentored dozens of students pursuing the disability studies minor.

Anthony Arnold, DO‑IT Ambassador and ‘94 Scholar, for significant contributions to the field of augmentative and alternative communication through his advocacy and career, and serving as a powerful role model for the employment of individuals with disabilities that affect both mobility and speech.

Dr. Ray Bowen, while Dean of the UW College of Engineering, made contacts at the National Science Foundation in 1992 that led to DO‑IT’s first grant funding. He mentored DO-IT founder and director Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler and facilitated collaborations with the college’s programs for women and minorities. This created an expanded view of diversity that became a model for other departments and institutions.


Dr. Imke Durre, DO‑IT Mentor, for accomplishments in earning a Ph.D. and pursuing a career in atmospheric sciences, increasing public awareness of the positive contributions of people with disabilities in science fields, and providing a strong role model and mentoring to students with visual impairments.

Julie Peddy, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration program manager, for accomplishments in integrating youth with disabilities in service learning programs and promoting the employment of people with disabilities in science fields.


Karen Braitmayer, architect and DO‑IT Mentor, for accomplishments as a business owner and for progressing accessibility efforts within the field of architecture.

Mylene Padolina, Microsoft senior diversity consultant, for accomplishments in the integration of disability in the diversity efforts of businesses and for success in programs encouraging youth to pursue high-tech career fields.

Jessie Shulman, DO‑IT Ambassador and ‘98 Scholar, for accomplishments in increasing access and support on the UW campus and providing a strong role model to students with hidden disabilities.

Dr. Suzanne Weghorst, assistant director for research at the UW Human Interface Technology Lab, for accomplishments in research and for providing numerous opportunities for students with disabilities to explore the field of human interface technology.


Cheri Blauwet, DO‑IT Ambassador, ‘96 Scholar, and Stanford graduate student, for achievements in athletics and academics.

Mike Dedman, education specialist at the National Parks Service, for improving access in the national parks.

Charity Ranger, DO‑IT student staff and UW student, for improving access and support on a postsecondary campus.

Anna Schneider, DO‑IT Ambassador, ‘93 Scholar, artist, businesswoman, and UW graduate, for accomplishments in the combination of fine arts, business, and science.

Phase I Scholars

Phase I Scholars 2016.

Seventeen Phase I Scholars, all from Washington State, attended their first DO‑IT Summer Study session at the University of Washington in July 2016. They learned about college life and prepared for college and careers. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other, DO‑IT participants, and DO‑IT Mentors. They use laptops, assistive technology, and the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields that include science, engineering, mathematics, and technology. Phase I Scholars communicate with each other at 2016do‑; with all Scholars and Ambassadors at; and with the entire group of DO‑IT Scholars, Ambassadors, Pals, and Mentors at After completing Summer Study 2016, these participants graduated to Phase II.

Adrian, ‘16 Scholar

Hello, my name is Adrian. I am Deaf, and I have been Deaf for all my life. I’m a junior at Edmonds-Woodway High School. In college, I want to learn how to make video games and become a video game tester. I’d love to attend Gallaudet, RIT, or any of the colleges close to home in Seattle. I’m excited to achieve all of my goals!

Micayla, ‘16 Scholar

My name is Micayla, and I attend Ballard High School. I like art, reading, writing, music, and sports. I play unified soccer and basketball. I like writing fiction and hope to animate my own show someday. I have left hemiplegia from a stroke and seizures.

Rochelle, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Rochelle, and I’m a senior at the Center School. I am the chief Associated Student body officer in my student senate, and I’m also head delegate in the Model United Nations club. I am dyslexic.

Teresa, ‘16 Scholar

Hey! My name is Teresa, and I am a junior at Mountain View High School. I was born missing both my arms, and I have learned to do everything with my feet. I am currently an active participant in my high school varsity dance team and I am an appointed member in my leadership program. I love to serve my community to create an enriched atmosphere. In the future I would like to attend the University of Washington or the University of Portland. Throughout my entire life, I have always had a passion for kids, specifically teens and adolescents. I would like to major in psychology. My end goal is to work with teens and adolescents with drug and alcohol addictions.

Cameron, ‘16 Scholar

Hello my name is Cameron, and I am a junior at Newport High School in Bellevue. My disability is cerebral palsy and this causes me to use a wheelchair. While I am in school, my favorite classes include history and math. In college I hope to major in law, sportscasting, or teaching. I want to be a lawyer because I feel as if people with disabilities are not given a voice because of preconceived stereotypes. I want to be a teacher because I want to help foster the next generation of leaders. Finally, I want to go into the field of sportscasting because I watch an obsessive amount of sports. My main goal is to live independently and go to George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

Jayda, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jayda, and I am a senior at Mount Spokane High School. I have attention deficit disorder and dyslexia. My dyslexia comes up mostly when I’m doing math or sometimes with letters when I’m reading.

Ryan, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, I am Ryan! I live in Shoreline, Washington. I am a senior at Shorewood High School. I have cerebral palsy. I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing video games, and watching YouTube. I currently don’t know what I want to do in the future, but I would like to work on graphic novels.

Takashi, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Takashi. I am a senior at Nathan Hale High School. I am a dancer, mainly ballet and jazz, and my goal is to study dance in college. I hope to join a dance company after I graduate.

Jacky, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jacky, and I’m a junior in high school. I am from Vancouver, Washington. I enjoy playing basketball, watching YouTube, and making myself a better person to my friends, family, and everyone around me. Basketball is my passion in life; the way I get better is to listen to motivational music and picture the game. Socializing can be hard for me because of my autism spectrum disorder. I’m thankful for DO-IT for helping me to be who I am and not be ashamed of my disability. Peace out guys and don’t be afraid to email me.

Naomi, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, I am Naomi. Next year is my last year of high school. I am in Running Start at Cascadia College. My dream is to attend the University of Washington, Seattle to study psychology and neuroscience. I love hiking, and I’m training at The School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts in Georgetown. I also enjoy trampolining and hulu hooping. Lastly, I love dogs!

Serena, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Serena. I’m a senior at Chiawana High School. In the future I plan to make video games at Eastern Washington University. I would also like to make technology for people with disabilities. I have a passion for video games, and I love listening to all kinds of music.

Kylee-Lynn, ‘16 Scholar

I’m Kylee-Lynn. I have spastic diplegia, which is a form of cerebral palsy. I’m a junior at John R. Rogers High School. I love to write music, and I plan on pursuing a degree in early childhood education. I am also an honors student. I want to make the world a better place for students with disabilities.

Rob, ‘16 Scholar

Hi my name is Rob, and I live in Kirkland. I am in my senior year of high school at Tesla STEM High School in Redmond. I enjoy history, music, and baseball. I am planning on studying engineering in college.

Bryce ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Bryce, and I live in Chelan, Washington. I am a senior at Chelan High School. I am currently thinking about coming back to Chelan to be a farmer and growing pears, apples, and cherries after college. Some of my favorite things to do are to go to the lake in the summer and snow boarding in the winter.

Jarrod, ‘16 Scholar

My name is Jarrod, and I attend West Seattle High School. I like history, drawing, and writing. I also like to watch anime and indie animations, and I play video games. I don’t really know what I want to be but maybe something in the arts or computer-aided design. 

Jon, ‘16 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jon. I’m originally from San Diego, but I currently live in Oroville, WA. I’m a senior at Oroville High School. I was born with cerebral palsy. I like video games and heavy metal music. My goals are going to college and becoming a video game developer.

Ziyu, ‘16 Scholar

Hello, my name is Ziyu . I am currently a junior at Everett High School. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. My favorite subjects are mathematics and science. In my spare time, I like to explore the great outdoors, play video games, watch movies, and sometimes read. After high school, I plan to attend a four-year college to study technology. I want to work at a tech company such as Google or Microsoft.

Phase II Scholars

Phase II Scholars 2016.

Seventeen Phase II Scholars began participating in DO‑IT in 2015. They attended their second Summer Study at the University of Washington in July 2016. During that second session, they continued to develop self-determination and self-advocacy skills and prepare for college and careers. They worked closely with professionals or university faculty in STEM fields such as neurobiology or robotics. Throughout the year, they communicate with each other, DO‑IT participants, and DO‑IT Mentors. They use laptops, assistive technology, and the Internet to support their academic studies, and they complete projects in exciting fields, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Phase II Scholars communicate with each other at 2015do‑; with all Scholars and Ambassadors at; and with the entire group of DO‑IT Scholars, Ambassadors, Pals, and Mentors at After completing Summer Study 2016, these participants graduated to Phase III and Ambassadors.


Emily, ‘15 Scholar

Hello, my name is Emily. I attended Redmond High School. I have spastic paraplegia. I was a member of my school’s golf team, art club, and the National Art Honor Society. I enjoy playing golf, making art, getting people to laugh, and hanging out with friends. I am interested in rehabilitation medicine and my long term goal is to become a rehabilitation physician. This summer, I completed an internship through the Center for Neurotechnology at the University of Washington. I am a freshman at the University of Oregon.

London, ‘15 Scholar

Greetings, I am London, and I have autism. I graduated from North Central High School in Spokane. I attend Spokane Falls Community College. I like video games, visual design, art, music, and fiction. I am unsure of what career path or general field I should go into, so suggestions are appreciated.

Aspen, ‘15 Scholar

Hello, My name is Aspen. I am deaf and use a cochlear implant to hear. I attended Edmonds-Woodway High School full-time, and I was a varsity wrestler for Arlington High School. This year I am attending the Washington School for the Deaf. I enjoy being active outdoors. My favorite activity is spending quality time with family and my friends and being laid back. My long term goal is to be an English professor. I hope to pursue a professional athletic career as well.

Laszlo, ‘15 Scholar

Hi, I’m Laszlo! I have cerebral palsy. I am a senior at Ingraham High School, and I enjoy math and science classes. I would like to have my own talk show someday. I love taking on leadership roles. I am an Associated Student Body (ASB) Representative for Student Council. I enjoy listening to Kid Ink, Chris Brown, Pitbull, Iggy Azalea, and many more. In my freshman year, I competed in the 2014 King County Special Olympics Track and Field team. I went to the State Championships in Fort Lewis, competing in the 50 meter motorized wheelchair slalom, 30 meter motorized wheelchair slalom, and softball throw. I went home with three gold medals. For fun, I like to play games, and talk to friends on Facebook. I plan to major in radio and communications.

Chana, ‘15 Scholar

My name is Chana. I am a senior at Wilson High School in Tacoma and take Running Start classes at Tacoma Community College. I have cerebral palsy. My favorite subjects in school are English and French. In my free time, I enjoy reading books, listening to music, and watching movies. I also enjoy musical theatre. I have a dog named Wrinkles. My goal is to become a pediatrician.

Andrew, ‘15 Scholar

My name is Andrew. I just finished my senior year at Anacortes High School. I was part of the Anacortes Robotics Team for three years. On the robotics team we have qualified to go to St. Louis for the world championship every year. I like to hike and play video games. I am interested in nature and how it works. I am going to Western Washington University for an environmental science degree. I am deaf.

Max, ‘15 Scholar

Hey there. My name is Max, and I graduated from Camas High School. I am a freshman at Gonzaga University.  I have Asperger’s syndrome. My main pleasures in life are learning about linguistics and attending my Kung-Fu class. I really want to be a computer engineer. I go on my computer a lot for fun, which tends to neatly overlap with linguistics research. I also play plenty of games.

Dewald, ‘15 Scholar

Hi, my name is Dewald. I graduated from Bellingham High School. I have cerebral palsy. I was born in South Africa as the middle kid of a set of triplets and weighed only two pounds when I was born. My favorite subjects are history and psychology. I was a wrestler on my school’s varsity team. I am a fanatical follower of soccer and support the USA teams and the Seattle Sounders. I plan to attend Whatcom Community College before attending a four-year school. My goal is to become a social worker.

Kaitlyn, ‘15 Scholar

Hi everyone, I’m Kaitlyn but feel free to call me Katie or Kate. This last June I graduated from Naches Valley High School. I have cerebral palsy. I enjoy listening to music, drawing, gaming, and writing stories. I also like making friends and chatting with those people I know. I am a freshman at Central Washington University.

Eli, ‘15 Scholar

My name is Eli. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and I am in 12th grade at North Thurston High School. I play percussion. I enjoy reading, sports, music, astronomy, and video games. I have three cats and one dog; my dog looks similar to a baby bear. My long term interests are to be a sports analyst/writer, astronomer, historian, or to work in the music industry.

Jonah, ‘15 Scholar

Hey, my name is Jonah. I am a senior at North Thurston High School. I am a member of the National Honor Society. My favorite bands are the Foo Fighters and The Red Hot Chili Peppers. I love history and sports. For fun, I watch sports and play video games. My long term goal is to be a sports writer or a historian. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Brookelyn, ‘15 Scholar

Hi, my name is Brookelyn. I am a senior at White River High School in Buckley, Washington. I raised pigs last year for Future Farmers of America. I showed my Supervised Agricultural Education hog at the Washington State Fair in April, and won reserve champion (2nd place champion) for my pig. I also got 9th place in showmanship and 6th place in novice shows. I also participated in the Unified Special Olympics in bowling, basketball, and soccer. I accomplished many things this year: I took a mainstream English class and was invited to participate in Chamber Choir. I have autism spectrum disorder and learning disabilities. I love reading, sports, art, biology, and singing.

Hailey, ‘15 Scholar

My name is Hailey. I am a senior and actively participate in leadership roles at Cheney High School. I like cooking, listening to music, watching movies, enjoying the great outdoors (fishing, camping, boating, kayaking), and hanging out with friends. After high school, I plan to attend a college to further my education to become an elementary school teacher. I enjoy working with younger kids. I have attention deficit disorder and a learning disability.

Tasha ‘15 Scholar

Hi, I’m Tasha. I finished high school early through Spokane Community College. I’m really into fitness, working out, and sports. I enjoy many sports, but my favorite is wrestling; I have been a wrestler for over five years. My long term goals are to study kinesiology in college and become a personal trainer. 

Ryan, ‘15 Scholar

Hello, I’m Ryan. I graduated from Mt. Spokane High School and have a learning disability. I was a member of the National Honor Society. My hobbies include singing, fishing, working out, doing anything football related, volunteering whenever I can, and, most of all, spending time with my family. I am a freshman at Whitworth University, where I plan on studying athletic training with minors in either exercise science or kinesiology. 

Katelyn, ‘15 Scholar

Hi my name is Katelyn. I graduated from Bonney Lake High School. I am a freshman at Pierce Community College. I have myotonic muscular dystrophy, which affects my limbs and face. I enjoy the outdoors and taking walks. My hobbies include being on YouTube, hanging with friends, and listening to music, especially metal. I absolutely love cats!

Grady, ‘15 Scholar

Hello, my name is Grady. I am a senior at Puyallup High School, and my favorite subjects are Spanish and math. I am involved in two service organizations at my school: Key Club and Viking Knights. My favorite Key Club project is volunteering twice a week as a math tutor for fourth and fifth graders at my local elementary school. I enjoy computers and keeping up with the latest technology news. After high school, I plan to attend a four-year university to study business and technology. I have congenital muscular dystrophy.

2016 Achievement Highlights

  • Anthony A., ‘94 Scholar, submitted a paper discussing different communication mounting solutions to The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) and was approved to present this topic in Toronto in August 2016.
  • Jessie Z., ‘11 Scholar, had an internship at HBO over summer 2016.
  • Emily B., ‘15 Scholar, accepted into the Young Scholars Program at the University of Washington’s Center for Neurotechnology in 2016.
  • Heidi W., ‘07 Scholar, was currently serving as an Americorps member in 2016.
  • Teresa B., ‘16 Scholar, spoke publicly at aviation shows in Alaska and Oregon in 2016.
  • Rochelle B., ‘16 Scholar, went on a student exchange to Japan in August 2016.
  • Louis G., ‘09 Scholar, worked as a lab technician and researcher in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory collaboration that detected gravitational waves in 2015.
  • Jayda F., ‘16 Scholar, will be the senior leader for the culture club at her school (2016).
  • Dewald O., ‘15 Scholar, chosen as “staff selected speaker” at Bellingham High School graduation in 2016.
  • Jennifer B., ‘12 Scholar, played wheelchair soccer with Rolling Thunder (2016).
  • Courtney C., ‘13 Scholar, was accepted into Seattle University with a four year scholarship in 2016.
  • Lindsay O., ‘10 Scholar, studied abroad in Germany in 2016.
  • Max M., ‘15 Scholar, recognized as a Washington Scholar 2016 (top 1% of class). Published a book called Asperger’s and Other Super Powers: The Autobiography of an Oddly Blessed (and Cursed) Child in 2016.
  • Brandon M., ‘01 Scholar, served on the Governor’s Committee For Disability Issues and Employment and as Co‑Vice Chair of the Youth Leadership Forum (2016).
  • K W., ‘13 Scholar, made the dean’s list four times in the past two years (2016).
  • Conrad R., ‘03 Scholar, served as chair of the Governor’s Award Subcommittee and member of the Coordinating Committee for the Washington State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment in 2016.
  • Erica C., ‘08 Scholar, spent the year after she graduated college as an Americorps member in Seattle (2016).
  • Katelyn T., ‘15 Scholar, chosen to represent her high school at Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, National Youth Leadership Initiative to build better communities (2016).
  • McKenna D., ‘13 Scholar, represented the United States in the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for shooting in 2016.

Phase III Scholars & Ambassadors

Group photo of 2014 DO-IT Scholars

Phase III Scholars are completing high school or transitioning to college. Throughout the year, they communicate with other Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors and participate in DO-IT activities. Some become Interns at DO-IT Summer Study and participate in other work experiences. Once 2015 Summer Study was over, those Phase III Scholars who graduated from high school became DO-IT Ambassadors. DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment. All Scholars and Ambassadors can communicate with each other at, and with all Scholars, Pals, Ambassadors, and Mentors at

Carl, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, I’m Carl. I graduated from Woodinville High School, and I am now a freshman at University of Washington. I like music and playing the drums. I like gaming on my Xbox and computer. I have a dog. I am also a fan of the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team. I am interested in psychology and business. I have taken an Advanced Placement test to receive college credit. I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

Sean, ‘14 Scholar

Hello, my name is Sean. My favorite classes are machining and trigonometry. I have complete hearing loss in both ears and two cochlear implants. I enjoy hanging out with friends, watching TV, playing sports, and listening to music. I like rap mostly, but I am open to other genres. I played football for my high school. Last year, I attended Rochester Institute of Technology. I have transferred to Olympic College.


Jason, ‘14 Scholar

My name is Jason, and I graduated from Mountlake Terrace High School. I was a member of the National Honor Society. I like to play baseball, basketball, and softball. I also run track and cross country, swim, and bowl. I enjoy playing video games and keeping score for the Mariners games. I would like to be either a Major League Baseball statistician or a technology engineer. I attend Clark College. I have a visual impairment.


Anita, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, I’m Anita. I’m a sophomore at the University of Portland studying early education. I use a wheelchair because I contracted polio when I was a baby living in India. I like rowing, and I love doing community service, reading, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

Aja,'14 Scholar

Hello, my name is Aja. I graduated from Glacier Peak High School in Snohomish and intend to go to the University of Washington after starting at Edmonds College. I have mild cerebral palsy. My favorite subject is the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). In the future I intend to cure cerebral palsy, so I can join the Army. I’ve been a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and the National Honor Society. I enjoy archery and playing the piano. I am also an avid reader. 

Calleese, '14 Scholar

Hi, I’m Calleese. I attended iTech Preparatory and took Running Start classes. I have a learning disability. I was the president of the Local Association Student Council, which helps students from different schools and events to come together and learn from each other. In 2016, I planned a leadership summit for 3 different districts to attend. After I tore both of my ACLs during a soccer game, I started learning photography. I was a yearbook officer, head photographer, and editor. I travel a lot with my twin around the Vancouver and Oregon area. I am a very relaxed, outgoing person. I love playing sports, being outdoors, and adventuring. I am a freshman at Central Washington University.

Jin, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jin, and I am hard of hearing. I attended Roosevelt High School in Seattle. I played percussion in symphonic band, marching band, and drumline. I enjoy reading, solving math problems, listening to music, playing basketball, and gaming. I would like to become a computer scientist. I attend the University of Washington in Seattle.


Thor, ‘14 Scholar

Thor graduated from Burlington-Edison High School. He was a WyldLife student leader and an active member of Young Life. Thor enjoyed reading many genres of books, but his favorite was mythology. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and was in a 4-H club. Thor’s career goal was to become a lawyer. He had a form of muscular dystrophy called Desmin myopathy. Thor passed away in May of 2016.

Kennedy, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, my name is Kennedy. I finished my first year of college at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma, Washington. It has been an awesome experience, much better than high school. Some of my favorite courses are psychology and sociology. I am working toward an associate of arts degree. During my spare time I enjoy playing video games, watching movies, boating with my family, and listening to music. I listen to an array of music, from Radiohead to Alice in Chains and Led Zeppelin. I saw a few great concerts this summer at the White River Amphitheater. My favorite movie genres are comedy and action. My career goal is to become a clinical psychologist.

Vanessa, ‘14 Scholar

Hi! My name is Vanessa. This fall I will continue working on my associate in technical arts degree in multimedia and interactive technology at Skagit Valley College. When I am not studying or working with Photoshop, I spend a lot of time freaking out about British TV shows and reading an endless pile of novels. Most of my brain is made up of Taylor Swift lyrics and Harry Potter trivia. I have Ollier’s disease/Maffucci syndrome. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.


Alex, ‘14 Scholar

Hello, my name is Alex. I graduated from the International School. I am a sophomore at the University of Maryland. I am a recipient of two presidential awards for academic excellence along with the University of Maryland’s Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education Award for having a GPA at or above 3.5. I enjoy video games and reading about how the latest games improve on previous games. I like to draw objects and cartoon characters in my spare time. I am also a huge theme park/roller coaster enthusiast. My long term goal is to become a computer programmer working at a game studio of sorts. I have a mild autism spectrum disorder. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

Lindsey, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, my name is Lindsey. I attended Graham-Kapowsin High School and am a freshmen at the University of Washington. I like to read, write, draw, watch TV, and listen to music. I attended the Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp until I was 17, where kids with neuromuscular disabilities swim, fish, ride in motorcycle sidecars, and do many other activities. I have a retired service dog named Wonder and three younger siblings. When I graduate from college, I want to be an author and work with digital graphic art, preferably at DreamWorks Animation Studio. I have spinal muscular dystrophy Type 2/3, but it just adds a little more spice to my life, along with a wheelchair.

Teo, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, my name is Teo. I graduated from Granite Falls High School, and I’m enlisted in the Washington National Guard. I like to spend time with my family and friends. I have always been involved in school activities like supporting my school sports teams. I’m a nice, funny, and friendly person. I attend Everett Community College and plan to major in the medical field. I have a learning disability.

Matthew, ‘14 Scholar

My name is Matthew. I graduated from Mt. Spokane High School, where I was in Spanish club, National Honor Society, and Gamer’s Club. I founded my school’s Archery Club. I served as co-captain for Gamer’s Club and served on Student Council and the prom committee. I have a first degree black belt in tae kwon do. I enjoy science and served on the student board for the Mobius Science Center and continue to volunteer at the museum. My favorite activities are spending time with my family, fishing, snorkeling, archery, puzzles, and spending time at the beach looking for treasures. I also love playing video games, including the Assassin’s Creed series, Call of Duty series, Bioshock series, and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. I have a twin brother and a younger sister. I am a freshman at Eastern Washington University. I plan to major in either engineering or video game design. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

Mikaela, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, I’m Mikaela. I am currently in Pullman attending Washington State University. During my time here, I am hoping to obtain a major in pre-nursing and a minor in psychology. For fun, I love cheerleading and tumbling.

Mike, ‘14 Scholar

Hi, my name is Michael. I graduated from high school. I am currently looking for a job and enrolled in the Learning Independence For Today and Tomorrow (LIFTT) program at the Washington State School for the Blind campus in Vancouver. In my spare time I love to draw. I had cancer when I was one year old. I love animals, and my goal is to be a vet or vet tech. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

Eric, ‘14 Scholar

My name is Eric. I will be a freshman at Duke in the fall. I was named the “Most Inspirational Student” in 8th grade and am a member of the National Honor Society. I played on my school and club soccer teams. I also enjoy both playing and listening to music. I play drums and guitar. My family and I volunteer at the Issaquah Meals Program, which provides food for people in need. I love to play with my dog, and I also help pet-sit for my neighbors when they go on vacation. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

Sangha, ‘14 Scholar

Hello, my name is Sangha, and I graduated from Bellevue High School where I played clarinet in symphonic band. I also play basketball every Saturday. I was also on the cross country and track teams. For fun, I play video games. My favorite hobby is watching YouTube videos about new games. I’d like to be a computer engineer. I have an autism spectrum disorder. I am a freshman at Seattle Pacific University. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

2016 Interns

2016 Interns.

After completing Phases I and II of the Scholars program, 10 Scholars and Ambassadors returned as Interns for Summer Study 2016. Interns help coordinate evening events and make sure Scholars are safe and on schedule. They provide invaluable insight and support throughout the two weeks and act as role models to the younger Scholars by sharing their challenges and accomplishments. Interns also gain valuable work experience by providing logistical and program support to DO‑IT staff.

2013 Scholars

Group photo of 2013 DO-IT Scholars


Antonio, ‘13 Scholar

Hey everyone! My name is Antonio, and I am a third-year student at the University of Washington double-majoring in sociology and American ethnic studies. I work as a student assistant in the DO-IT office. My disability is cerebral palsy, a condition affecting my mobility, energy levels, and coordination, especially on the right side of my body. My passions include social advocacy, hip-hop, all things Seattle sports, reading, and writing.

Dustine, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Dustine, and I have Asperger syndrome. I am a student at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, majoring in law, societies, and justice. I play the piccolo in the UW Husky Marching Band. As a member of the band, I have had the privilege of playing at the UW football games. I hope to enter law school after completing my undergraduate degree and eventually become a lawyer. It has been a pleasure to be a part of the UW community as a whole, and I look forward to continuing my educational pursuits at UW. Go Dawgs!

Michael, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Michael. I enjoy taking photos of nature, reading, cooking, and TED Talks. I like eating food and trying new recipes. I mostly make different types of soup. My disability is high functioning autism. I am currently attending Bellevue College for environmental science. I use executive functioning tools such as Any.Do to improve efficiency and to help other people. I am working on improving my executive functioning and memory.

Courtney, ‘13 Scholar

Hi all, my name is Courtney. I have not been very involved in DO-IT since my Phase I year because of other summer programs like YES! However, I want to jump back into the community. I’m at the Orientation Training Program via the Department of Service for the blind. I hope to get an internship over the summer, and I start at Seattle University in the fall. I love to play my ukulele and sing. I was an intern for Summer Study 2016.

McKenna, ‘13 Scholar

Hello! My name is McKenna, and I was born with arthrogryposis. In 2014, I earned my high school diploma and my associate’s degree through Running Start. I am currently a resident athlete at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. I am on the National Paralympic Shooting Team and will represent the United States at the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. Through the Olympic Training Center, I am attending DeVry University working towards my bachelor’s degree in business and technical management. After the 2016 Games, I plan on becoming a lawyer. Feel free to email me anytime!


Ryan, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Ryan, and I have Asperger syndrome. I attended Eastern Washington University as a freshman, and am planning on transferring to Spokane Community College this fall, where I plan to study computer science. I also plan to study mathematics and engineering. I enjoy designing and building complicated machinery in Minecraft.

Julian, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Julian, and I have a traumatic brain injury. I attend Washington State University. I plan to major in sports management and eventually coach professional basketball. I look forward to enjoying more Coug and Dawg events this fall. Go Cougs!

Ellen, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Ellen, and I have a speech-based learning disability. I am going to pursue a bachelor’s degree in unmanned aircraft systems operations at the University of North Dakota. I have been an intern for The Patriots Flight Team and the Blue Angels during Seafair. I have jump seated in a brand new Boeing 737-900 ER twice during take-off and landing. When I get the chance, I like to fly airplanes. I actually flew a Cessna twice as the main pilot. I’ve been playing soccer since I was six years old, and I love it. I foster kittens at my home for The Seattle Humane Society. I met Harrison Ford in Los Angeles in February 2014.

Clarissa, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Clarissa, and I have cerebral palsy and left-sided hemiplegia. I live in Everett. I finished my second year at the University of Washington Bothell in June 2016. It has been a challenging year, but thankfully, I finished smoothly with a good grade point average and great enthusiasm. I am planning to major in business, specifically in finance. I love learning foreign languages and meeting new people. My native language is Indonesian, and I speak fluent English and some Japanese. I also enjoy singing and listening to music during my free time. I would like to travel to Japan and other places around the world.

Brenna, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Brenna, and I have a learning disability. I was a freshman at Evergreen State College, but this fall I will be transferring to Western Washington University. This past year I studied American Sign Language, activism in the northwest, and how to explain and present the topic of climate change. When I am not in school, I enjoy photography, the outdoors, and reading.

Nicole, ‘13 Scholar

Hey guys, my name is Nicole, and I have cerebral palsy. I’m a graduate from Kentwood High School and now attend Brigham Young University in Idaho. I’m not completely sure what I want to study, still deciding between English and social work. I just started a personal blog about daily life and different topics. If you want to follow me, go to

Rahil, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Rahil, and I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I graduated from Bothell High School and attend the University of Washington Bothell studying computer science. I am interested in history, science, and Spanish. I enjoy reading and playing video games in my free time. Last year, I was in Youth and Government, a YMCA program where the participants simulate a state legislative session. I was also a member of the National Honor Society.

Alex, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Alex, and I have cerebral palsy. I use my artistic abilities to express myself. I graduated from Walla Walla High School, where I enjoyed studying math and science. I’m interested in learning about space travel and understanding the universe. I want to pursue a career as a pastor or a counselor. I go to Walla Walla Community College. Then I will go to seminary.

Karlyn, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, I’m Karlyn! I have nonverbal learning disorder, dyscalculia, and attention deficit disorder. I graduated from Nova High School in Seattle in June of 2015. I attend Green River Community College, taking courses to get my associates in applied science in early childhood education with a certificate in Montessori teaching. I have a part-time job as a beauty advisor at Walgreens on weekends as well. I am currently trying to learn Swedish and American Sign Language in my spare time.

Hannah, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Hannah, and I have a visual impairment. I play piccolo in the University of Washington Marching Band. Music is a large part of my life, and has given me the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally with different audition-level honors ensembles. Aside from music, I enjoy reading, writing, and being outdoors. I also do a lot of volunteer work around my community with the Issaquah Youth Advisory Board. I am pursuing my interests in science and engineering at the University of Washington as a member of the Honors Program. I am on the DO-IT ATeam.

Kayla, ‘13 Scholar

Hello there! My name is Kayla. I’m from Lynnwood and graduated from Mountlake Terrace High School a few years ago. I currently attend the University of Washington, where I am in the Interdisciplinary Honors Program. I plan on double majoring in law, society, and justice and disability studies, then attending law school to become a disability rights lawyer. I work for DO-IT as a student office assistant. Feel free to email me at any time!

Olivia, ‘13 Scholar

Hi, my name is Olivia, and I have cerebral palsy. I attend the University of Washington. I plan on majoring in biology, which is one of my favorite subjects. When I’m not working on school I enjoy being outside, watching movies, and hanging out with friends.

2012 Scholars

Group photo of 2012 DO-IT Scholars


Mikayla, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, I am Mikayla. My favorite class is bioengineering. I attend Washington State University and am majoring in biomedical engineering. I have a learning disability, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder.

Hannah, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, my name is Hannah. I went to Fresno State University for two years. I will be starting my junior year this fall at the University of Washington Bothell majoring in business. I was born legally blind in my right eye.

Peter, ‘12 Scholar

My name is Peter, and I have autism. I attend the University of Washington (UW). I am majoring in atmospheric sciences with a focus on meteorology. I was part of my high school’s environmental club and math team, and I am now part of Students Expressing Environmental Dedication and the Residential Community Student Association at UW. I wish to pursue a career in weather forecasting. I enjoy watching baseball and, during the summer, playing for a softball team. I love seeing and talking with my friends, and some of my best friends are from DO-IT. I intern at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, volunteer for the National Weather Service weekly, and am part of the DO-IT ATeam.

Jennifer, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, I am Jennifer, and I have spastic cerebral palsy. I plan to attend either Centralia Community College or Lower Columbia College. I would like to work in the field of broadcasting and communications. I enjoy making slide shows of famous people; you can view them on YouTube under the user name “accustomcycle.” I play power wheelchair soccer on the Rolling Thunder. I also like reading, creative writing, and technology.    

Aaliyah, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, I’m Aaliyah. I am deaf and wear a cochlear implant to help me hear. I played softball and was a member of the Monroe High School Bearcats bowling team. I am attending Gallaudet University to get my degree in elementary teaching and deaf education. I love dogs, especially American Eskimo huskies! I competed in the Miss Teen Washington Pageant and made it to the top eleven.

Lucas, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, my name is Lucas, and I have Goldenhar syndrome and a hearing impairment. I attend the University of Washington. My goal is to attend medical school and one day become a pediatric anesthesiologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital. I ski, wakeboard, and participated on my high school’s soccer and golf teams, and I was the captain of my high school’s swim team. I did an internship at the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) during the summer of 2015.

Cody, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, my name is Cody, and I have cerebral palsy. I am currently attending Tacoma Community College. I hope to transfer to either University of Washington in either Seattle or Tacoma. I spend most of my free time using my computer and playing games. I also enjoy playing power soccer, which I have been doing since 2006.

Lindsay, ‘12 Scholar

I am Lindsay, an autistic student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder enrolled at Pacific University. I am a creative writing and German major who is also minoring in studio arts, and I obviously enjoy literature and art. I studied abroad in Germany last year. 

Eric, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, my name is Eric. I am currently attending Everett Community College to complete pre-requisites. I am interested in film and psychology. I have an unspecified learning disability, in addition to attention deficit disorder, that causes me to learn at a slower pace than most people, especially in math and English.


Colton, ‘12 Scholar

Hello, my name is Colton. Currently, I am in my 6th quarter at Green River Community College where I am pursuing an associate’s degree. I am uncertain of which four-year college I might attend once I attain my associate’s degree, as I am just taking it one step at a time.

Alex, ‘12 Scholar

Hello, I’m Alex. I currently attend Western Oregon University majoring in American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and minoring in theatre. My favorite classes include ASL and English. I also have a passion for acting. I take acting classes and am a part of many productions. My favorite characters are those with a huge range of emotions. My dream job is to become an ASL interpreter and an actor. I have cerebral palsy.

Jessica, ‘12 Scholar

Hi my name is Jessica, and I have spinal muscular atrophy. I am planning on transferring to the University of Washington in Seattle this fall to get my bachelor’s degree in neurobiology. In high school, I participated in Link Crew, National Honor Society, and Key Club. I was also the founder of my school’s chapter of the National Spanish Honor Society. I organized and ran my high school’s first muscular dystrophy fundraiser. I hope to one day have a career in biomedical research.

Dominique, ‘12 Scholar

Hi there! My name is Dominique. This past year, I continued my education at Art Instruction Schools, and I should be finished by summer of 2016, with a certificate in fundamentals of art. Some of my hobbies include drawing, shopping (art supplies!), playing games, browsing Pinterest, spending time with family, and reading my Bible. I hope to one day be a professional illustrator and/or a storybook artist. I have a rare form of dwarfism called Kniest syndrome, as well as arthritis in all my joints. Check out my portfolio at

Allison, ‘12 Scholar

Hi! My name is Allison, I have thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome and Von Willebrand disease. I was going to Montana State University and studying drafting design technology, but I decided that it wasn’t for me. So now I am going to the local community college, with the intent to transfer to Portland State and start in the zoology program. I really want to travel and study different animals across the world. I also enjoy drawing from time to time.

Alicia, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, my name is Alicia, and I am Deaf. I will be a junior at the University of Washington. My favorite classes are biocultural anthropology and global health. I plan on majoring in either public health or anthropology, maybe both. I am also minoring in archaeology and global health. I volunteer at Seattle Children’s Hospital doing office work and running errands. I am also a student assistant in the DO-IT office.

Nolan, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, my name is Nolan. I enjoy history, science, and math. I attend McDaniel College in Maryland and would like to become a politician involved in creating laws. I enjoy following politics and hanging out with friends. I have arthrogryposis.


Grace, ‘12 Scholar

Hi, I’m Grace! I’m deaf and currently studying mechanical engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. After graduation, I hope to work for Boeing and do design work! I love being involved in and giving back to the community through various organizations on campus.

2011 Scholars

Group photo of 2011 DO-IT Scholars


Kim, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Kim. I graduated from Everett Community College with with a degree in humanities. I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Tess, ‘11 Scholar

Hello, my name is Tess. I live in Seattle and have dysgraphia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I am interested in a career that involves my creativity, such as design, communications, or psychology. I attend Gonzaga University. I train dogs for Guide Dogs for the Blind.


Paige, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, I’m Paige. I live in Bothell, and I graduated from high school in 2013. I currently attend Bellevue College and will graduate with an associates degree in December. Then I plan on transferring to Central Washington University in Lynnwood, on the Edmonds Community College campus, to finish my bachelor’s in accounting. I love to swim, camp, go to the movies, and explore new places.


Jae, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Jae. I’m completing my associate of arts transfer degree at Bellevue College. I enjoy writing because it helps me to express what I am thinking and feeling, since I can’t speak verbally. My favorite subject is sociology because I can learn what influences our lives. I would like to be a transition specialist because I want to create paths for disabled students and help them to be successful in their learning. I have cerebral palsy. I will start at the University of Washington in Seattle in the fall.


Diego, ‘11 Scholar

Hello, my name is Diego, and I have a learning disability. I attended Edmonds Community College for about a year. For the past three years I have worked at Winco Foods. This year, I got promoted to Lead Clerk. I’m the second youngest employee in that position. A little known fact about me is that I enjoy playing sports. The main sport I like to play is soccer. I’m currently playing with my cousin’s team on Wednesday nights. I know when people look at me they think I’m a serious guy, but honestly I’m very nice and sometimes funny. I’m just too shy when it comes to meeting new people.


Image of Cecily
Cecily, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Cecily. I attend Spokane Community College. I would like to be a high school counselor, pharmacist, or psychologist. I enjoy watching movies and hanging out with friends. I have arthrogryposis and can’t use my hands so I use my feet for everything.

Mauricio, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, I’m Mauricio. I graduated from Highline High School, where my favorite subjects were math, science, and history. I am interested in the night skies and helping people. I am considering a career as a police officer or a chemical engineer. I like to play soccer and lift weights. I have a visual impairment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Joshua, ‘11 Scholar

My name is Joshua. I’m interested in history, literature, philosophy, political science, and languages. I’m a social justice advocate trying to affect change in the fields of disability rights, police reform, and politics in general. I’m also an amateur photographer. I am currently studying political science at the University of Washington.


Deicy, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Deicy, and I have spina bifida. I graduated from Eastmont High School. I volunteer with United Way. In my spare time, I like to play basketball and volleyball, bowl, write, and draw; these activities help me get my frustrations out in a positive way. I love hanging out with my youth group at church.

Emily, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Emily, and I am blind. I graduated from Curtis Senior High School, where I was a member of the National Honor Society. I attend Gonzaga University where I study engineering management with a focus on mechancial engineering. I hope to work as a mechanical engineer and develop new ways for people with visual impairments and other disabilities to be able to work out in a gym with minimal adaptations on the part of the user.


Erika, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Erika, and I am Deaf. I attend the University of Washington. I am majoring in English with the aspiration of being in the human resources field. I enjoy reading, traveling, and photography. I am a volunteer at Seattle Children’s Hospital as well as a student assistant in the DO-IT office. I am on the Student Advisory Council for the US Business Leadership Network (USBLN). I studied abroad this summer in London! I love talking to people so don’t be afraid to talk to me, I don’t bite! :)


Sean, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Sean. I attended Bellevue College and now go to Arizona State through their online program. I enjoy studying math and chemistry. In high school I lettered in basketball, baseball, and football as the team manager. Which sport is my favorite? They all are—for different reasons! I am an avid cook and enjoy reality TV and movies.

Macy, ‘11 Scholar

Hi, my name is Macy, and last year I graduated from the University of Washington (UW) with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I have since returned to UW to work on a masters of social work. I have cerebral palsy, and although it limits me physically, I like to think that it has otherwise opened a lot of doors for me. I want to work with kids with disabilities, and I think at least part of that desire comes from my own experience as a person with the disability.

Kaylie, ‘11 Scholar

Hey, my name is Kaylie, and I am a pastry chef at Rylie Cakes, which is a gluten free bakery. My dream is to open my own cake business, Kakes by Kaylie. I am deaf.

Jessie, ‘11 Scholar

My name is Jessie. I am a senior at the University of Washington. I am majoring in informatics with a minor in diversity. My interests include sign language, design, animation, and intersection of art and technology for social change. I love learning about different cultures. In 2014, I studied abroad in London for five weeks. I will study abroad again in South Korea for a month this August. I am deaf.

Vaughn, ‘11 Scholar

Hello, I’m Vaughn. I attend the University of Washington Bothell. My favorite subjects are science, history, and German. I hope to someday visit Germany and Ireland. I enjoy reading and listening to various kinds of music, including classical. I have a hearing impairment; fine motor weakness; and flat feet, which makes walking long distances difficult.


2010 Scholars

Group photo of 2010 DO-IT Scholars


Shawn, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Shawn, and I am blind. I just finished my senior year at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in pursuit of a degree in mechanical engineering along with three minors: business, mathematics, and aerospace engineering. I like wrestling, driving all-terrain vehicles and cars, playing sports, and doing other outdoor activities. I studied abroad in Germany the summer of 2014.

Rosa’Lea, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Rosa’Lea. I attend Full Sail University’s online program in graphic design/animation. I have a learning disability.

Ryan, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Ryan. I work at Lowes, and I am currently interning at Garage Auto Hero to develop my skills working on cars. I enjoy exploring my creativity with hands-on activities and challenging myself with math and architecture problem solving. I also enjoy designing and woodworking. I have sickle cell disease.


Damon, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Damon. I attend the University of Washington. I plan to major in American Indian studies and anthropology. My goal is to become a college professor or a K-12 teacher. I enjoy music and camping.


Marlise, ‘10 Scholar

Hey! I’m Marlise, and I have Friedrich’s ataxia, a genetic, progressive neuromuscular disorder. Currently, I’m a senior at Western Washington University. I’m majoring in creative writing, minoring in film studies, but not even close to knowing what direction to go in after school: fiction writing, film/tv critiquing, or screen writing. I’m looking to do an internship abroad (probably in London) before I graduate.


Garrett, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Garrett. I hope to study business and economics at the University of Washington. I like studying Spanish, world issues, and problem solving. I enjoy music, video games, movies, and hanging out with friends. I also like bi-skiing and playing power wheelchair soccer.

Angela, ‘10 Scholar

Hi! My name is Angela. I graduated from Gonzaga University in 2016 with a bachelor of arts in psychology and plan to attend graduate school for clinical psychology. I enjoy hanging out with friends, cooking new recipes, and spending time outside with my yellow lab, Maggie. I completed internships at the University of Washington Center for Neurotechnology and the Swedish Neuroscience Institute. I have a form of congenital myopathy.

Maximo, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Maximo. Last December, I graduated from Flagler College with a bachelor’s degree in business. I had previously completed an internship at an entertainment and events company, working on graphic arts and stage setup. More recently, I interned with Matthew’s Design, mainly focusing on architecture work. I enjoy art, writing, and music. I play the drums. I have dyslexia, so it is hard for me to read and spell.

Benjy, ‘10 Scholar

Hey everyone, my name is Benjy. I graduated from Washington State University in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality business management with a minor in psychology. I currently work at The Davenport Grand Hotel in beautiful Spokane, Washington. Have a great day and GO COUGS!


Eric, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Eric. I attend the University of Washington. I am majoring in mechanical engineering. I enjoy playing golf, skiing, and mountain biking. I have Crohn’s disease.

Nicco, ‘10 Scholar

My name is Nicco. I am studying computational physics and minoring in history at Washington State University. I hold a senior position at an outdoor training company called Wolf Camp and the Wolf College. I work as the logistics coordinator and as an instructor specializing in emergency survival and traditional artisanry. As a longtime hobby, I work and train with civilian, law enforcement, and military working dogs with an emphasis in protection (bite work) and felony searches. I have served as a non-contract US army cadet and have recently become a licensed Washington State trapper.

Tatsuro, ‘10 Scholar

My name is Tatsuro, and I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I graduated with a bachelor of arts in English from Seattle Pacific University in June 2016. I hope to work as a professional writer. My interests include poetry, saltwater fish, and politics. I live in Bellevue, Washington.

Niki, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Niki. I graduated from the University of Washington, where I studied psychology. I enjoy many types of music and go to concerts with my friends. I have amyoplasia arthrogryposis.

Cristina, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Cristina. I enjoy traveling and participating in community work for underrepresented populations. I attended a language school in Guatemala and did community work with the indigenous populations in rural areas. I am studying political science and law, diversity, and justice at Western Washington University (WWU), and I plan to pursue law school afterwards. This academic year, I will be the new disability outreach center coordinator for the Associated Students of WWU. I’ve had a chronic skin condition since 2005.


Krysta, ‘10 Scholar

Hi, my name is Krysta. I am working on completing my bachelor’s of science in social services and two minors at Central Washington University. I am in my senior year and working to finish my degree. I was appointed by Governor Jay Inslee to Washington State Independent Living Council, and I am serving on this council as a General Public Representative.

Jenica, ‘10 Scholar

My name is Jenica, and I currently work at Zillow in the Client Engagement Department. I went to the University of Washington and got my degree in law, societies and justice plus political science. I enjoy being outside and exploring. During my free time, I also enjoy traveling and learning more about the world. I aspire to be in the FBI as a forensic psychologist and work with teams to build profiles for criminals.

2009 Scholars

Group photo of 2009 DO-IT Scholars


Vanessa, ‘09 Scholar

Athetoid cerebral palsy, mild hearing loss. Graduated from Yakima Valley Community College. Works part time as an office assistant for a dental clinic. Volunteers in bible study at her church.Athetoid cerebral palsy, mild hearing loss. Graduated from Yakima Valley Community College. Works part time as an office assistant for a dental clinic. Volunteers in bible study at her church.    

Charlie, ‘09 Scholar

Dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cognitive processing disorder
Graduated with a bachelor of arts in human services from Western Washington University. Interned at Days for Girls International in the homeless housing department as an assistant case manager, and helped veterans get their benefits. Has worked at Brigadoon Service Dogs for four years. Hopes to travel and empower women around the world. Plans on getting an Americorps position in Maple Falls. 

Bilal, ‘09 Scholar

Learning disability. Graduated from Edmonds Community College with a degree in construction management. Works as a part time computer lab assistant. Would like to be an orthodontist.

Reese, ‘09 Scholar

Orthographic dysgraphia. Graduated from Gonzaga University with a bachelor of science.

Anna, ‘09 Scholar

Brain tumor, left-sided paralysis, visual impairment. Graduated from Shoreline Community College with two associate’s degrees and from Seattle Central College with a bachelor’s degree in applied behavioral science. Accepted to graduate school at the University of Washington. Plans to work with families of children with autism, helping manage behaviors. She received a 2015 Trailblazer Award.

Ryan, ‘09 Scholar

Autism. Bachelor of music degree, magna cum laude, from Central Washington University in percussion performance with a minor in aviation management. Principal timpanist with Seattle Festival Orchestra. Has performed with the Vancouver Symphony at Whistler, Cascade Percussion Ensemble, and studied on Broadway in musical pit orchestras. Volunteers at SeaTac airport with the Wings for Autism program.

Louis, ‘09 Scholar

Dyslexia and dysgraphia. Graduated from American University with a bachelor’s degree in physics in 2016. Worked as lab technician and researcher in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory collaboration that detected gravitational waves in 2015. Currently working as a wildland firefighter. Interested in quantum computing, physics, logging, and farming.

Shelby, ‘09 Scholar

Spinal muscular atrophy. Graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in public relations. Works as the noon show producer at the NBC affiliate in Salt Lake City.


Allegra, ‘09 Scholar

Spinal muscular atrophy type 2. Took an online course from Penn Foster and is certified as a freelance writer. Also does grant writing projects. Self-published an ebook called Knotted Strings. Follow her blog at

Sean, ‘09 Scholar

Becker muscular dystrophy. Graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in psychology. Worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Exo Labs, and at the Federal Aviation Administration. Currently works at Microsoft as a part of the Disability Answer Desk. Passionate about technology accessibility. 

Leo Moreno, ‘09 Scholar

Spinal cord injury. Attends Skagit Valley College. Interested in a job involving video editing or animation. Has received over 350,000 views on his YouTube videos. Likes to learn about computers. Owns a beagle and would like to live alone in an apartment in a large city.

Josh, ‘09 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. Graduated from George Fox University with a bachelor of arts in sociology and minors in writing and women’s studies. Was a member of the George Fox Jazz Ensemble and would like to continue playing. Enjoys writing fiction and playing sports.

Josh, ‘09 Scholar

Spina bifida; learning disability. Graduated from Clark College. Would like to be a youth pastor or counselor. Has two dogs.

Alex, ‘09 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned an associate of arts transfer degree from Skagit Valley College. Plans on getting his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or business administration. Working at Lowe’s as a head cashier and plans to become a store manager. A member of the USBLN Advisory Council for the past two years working with businesses on improving accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including veterans.


Joey, ‘09 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Earned a bachelor of science in electronics engineering technology with a computer engineering specialization from Central Washington University. Works as a software integration tester for Intel through a contractor.


Abby, ‘09 Scholar

Blind with light perception. Studied at Clark College. Would someday like to help the blind in other countries access technology.

Chris, ‘09 Scholar

Dyslexia, attention deficit disorder. Attends Portland Community College. Lives in Portland, Oregon. Works at Cornell Farms. His favorite pastimes are hiking and photography.

2008 Scholars

2008 Scholars.


Yomara, ‘08 Scholar

Spinal muscular atrophy type 2. Graduated from the University of Washington, Bothell with a double major in communications and sociology in June 2014. Currently working for Nordstrom in the Customer Service Department.


Mack, ‘08 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Studying personal training at Highline Community College. Works at the YMCA.

Erica, ‘08 Scholar

Erb’s palsy. Graduated from the University of Washington in summer 2015 with a double degree in biology and public health. Currently an AmeriCorps member and serving as a patient navigator at Sea Mar Community Health Centers. Starting her masters in public health at Columbia University in fall 2016 and applying to medical school this upcoming year. 

Russell Deex, ‘08 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Left Phillips Law Firm to become insurance claim handler with Allstate Insurance.  Earned post baccalaureate paralegal certificate at Edmonds Community College.


Sam, ‘08 Scholar

Dyslexia. Received an associate of applied science in architectural design and drafting from Portland Community College. Interned at Ankrom Moisan architectural firm. Would like to pursue a career as an architectural draftsman.

Collin, ‘08 Scholar

Dyslexia. Graduated from The Evergreen State College with a degree in environmental sciences and Shoreline Community College with a two-year degree. Currently working for an environmental lab.


Emily, ‘08 Scholar

Earned an associate’s degree from Bellevue College and a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle. Plans to spend a few months in Europe traveling and taking art classes. Volunteers for the National Ski Patrol.

Derek, ‘08 Scholar

Nonverbal learning disability and dysgraphia. Attends college and is interested in political science. Lobbied a bill for financial education in math classes in Olympia. Worked as a youth camp counselor and soccer referee and wants to be a band teacher.

Nejowa, ‘08 Scholar

Spinal tuberculosis. Plays basketball for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Plans on being a youth counselor.

Marco, ‘08 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Earned an associate of arts degree with an emphasis on chemistry and an associate of science degree in chemistry and biology. Currently pursuing bachelor’s degrees at Washington State University in chemical engineering and material science with a math minor. Hopes to pursue a doctorate degree in biotech materials.

Chris, ‘08 Scholar

Autism. Graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a degree in history with minors in Spanish and religion. Considering a job in business or government, preferably government.

Carolyn, ‘08 Scholar

Cerebral palsy and specific learning disability. Earned an associate’s degree in applied science in business administration from Spokane Falls Community College. Plans to pursue a certificate in professional baking from Spokane Community College.

Christine, ‘08 Scholar

Cerebral palsy and learning disabilities. Earned an associate’s degree in applied science in business administration from Spokane Falls Community College and a certificate in social media. Plans to pursue a certificate in professional baking from Spokane Community College.

Nate, ‘08 Scholar

Learning disability. Graduated from California State University, Chico, with a degree in business information systems with an emphasis in management. Works for Hewlett-Packard.

Aaron, ‘08 Scholar

Dyslexia. Graduated from Earlham College with a degree in computer science and politics. Interested in computer programming, math, science, and choral singing.


Wesley, ‘08 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Attends the University of Phoenix Argosy online program with plans to study psychology.

Erik, ‘08 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Participated on Western’s debate team. Now a part time bookkeeper on family’s farm. Likes to read about current events and political magazines in his spare time.

Brianna, ‘08 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, visual and hearing impairments. Accepted into community psychology major at the University of Washington Bothell. Would like to work with children or adults with special needs. On a waitlist for a service dog. Volunteers at Abused Deaf Woman’s Advocacy Services with childcare.

Shelby, ‘08 Scholar

Brain tumor caused learning delays, health impairments. Attends Western Oregon University working to earn a bachelor’s degree and become an American Sign Language interpreter. Considering pursuing a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling and eventually working with individuals who are deaf. Works at Partnerships in Community Living as direct support staff for people with developmental disabilities.

Jeremy, ‘08 Scholar

Working towards an associate of arts degree by spring of 2017. Transferring to Eastern Washington University to obtain a Master’s in occupational therapy. Planning on going to Europe after obtaining his degree.

2007 Scholars

Group photo of 2007 DO-IT Scholars


Sam, ‘07 Scholar

Friedreich’s ataxia. Graduated from the University of Portland with a degree in finance in 2013. Worked at WDC Properties in Portland, OR. Currently an MBA and master’s in sport and entertainment management candidate for 2017 at the University of South Florida.

Peter, ‘07 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Earned an associate of science degree in networking from Walla Walla Community College. Pursuing jobs in computer repair and troubleshooting.

Elizabeth, ‘07 Scholar

Cerebral palsy (essential tremor). Obtained her associates of arts degree in December of 2015. Worked as a dental sterilization technician. She passed away on February 10, 2016.


Blake, ‘07 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Graduated in December 2015 from the University of Washington Tacoma with a bachelor of arts in urban Studies. Also attended St. Martin’s University.

Dylan, ‘07 Scholar

Left-side hemiplegia. Earned an associate of arts and science degree from Whatcom Community College. Currently studying biocultural anthropology at Western Washington University. Doing research on the etiology of congenital heart defects looking at the genetic/epigenetic factors in play in a self-designed independent study.

Robyn, ‘07 Scholar

Severe high frequency hearing loss. Graduated from Chapman University and is a certified athletic trainer. Now working in Portland as an athletic trainer for a professional women’s soccer team.

Stefani, ‘07 Scholar

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Received a library & information services AAS Degree in spring 2016. Works for the Sprague School District as the librarian and technology coordinator.

Josh, ‘07 Scholar

Autism, Gorlin syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder. Earned an associate of arts degree from Grays Harbor College. Works for the health department in South Bend, WA.


Ashlee, ‘07 Scholar

Blind. Attends The Evergreen State College studying psychotherapy. Volunteers at Thurston County Crisis Clinic.

Sam, ‘07 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, learning disability (reading). He is a freelance reporter, producer, and podcaster. He is the voice and producer behind “Side Show Sam’s Strange Circus”, which is available on Sound Cloud. Currently looking for more experience in the industry and plans to continue gaining experience in the field.

Cory, ‘07 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Graduated from The Evergreen State College in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree, and in 2016 with a masters in public administration. Hoping to go into a career with politics or policy research. He is an avid runner, an amateur bartender, and enjoys science fiction and fantasy.


Melissa, ‘07 Scholar

Spina bifida. Earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Central Washington University in December of 2015. Worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Washington Robinson Center summer school program and has studied abroad at the University of Dundee in Scotland. Currently working as a tutor.



Scott, ‘07 Scholar

Dyspraxia. Earned a certificate in park aid from Skagit Valley College and an associate’s degree. Working again this summer at Sucia Island State Park as senior park aide. Wants to become a park ranger.

Megan, ‘07 Scholar

Tourette syndrome. Attended Bellevue College and Western Washington University majoring in environmental studies.

Shyla, ‘07 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury. Certified in drafting. Graduated from Yakima Valley Community College.

Luke, ‘07 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Graduated in 2015 with a bachelor’s in science degree in biology from the University of Washington after transferring from Tacoma Community College. Currently volunteering at Narrows View Intermediate School.



Sara, ‘07 Scholar

Legally blind. Earned a degree in psychology and economics from The Evergreen State College. Interested in pursuing a master of social work degree. Involved in an occupational therapy program with Services for the Blind in Seattle.


Heidi, ‘07 Scholar

Asperger syndrome, nonverbal learning disability, attention deficit disorder. Graduated with a degree in interdisciplinary studies and disability studies from the University of Washington Bothell. Currently working for Americorps. Continuing to do volunteer research at the University of Washington with an emphasis on eugenics.

2006 Scholars

Group photo of 2006 Scholars


Brandon, ‘06 Scholar

Profoundly deaf, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dysgraphia, Mitochondrial Disorder. Attended School of Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Currently working at the Puget Sound Shipyard, in the Machinist Apprentice Program and taking classes at Olympic College in Bremerton.


Ryan, ‘06 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Pursuing a career as a DJ.


Alex, ‘06 Scholar

Turner syndrome, nonverbal learning disorder. Studied library sciences at Highline Community College. Attends Central Washington University.

Jenny, ‘06 Scholar

Right-sided weakness, learning disability. Plans to become a physical therapist or work with children.


Maria, ‘06 Scholar

Learning disability. Graduated from Western Washington University (WWU) with a double major in Spanish and law, diversity, and justice. Founder of the WWU Student Coalition for Immigration Rights. Pursuing a graduate degree at Antioch University in environmental education. Plans to continue work with migrant youth and families.


Daniel, ‘06 Scholar

Hand deformity. Earned a degree in political science and economy from the University of Washington. Served as a volunteer on the Washington State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment and as an advocate for the Andrew Hughes Campaign for Congress. Currently an operations assistant at KBA Construction Management.



Oscar, ‘06 Scholar

Proximal femoral focal deficiency, bone deformities. Attending Portland Community College this fall. Works as a social media intern for the Cascade AIDS Project in Portland, OR. Also works at Hollister and a mall information desk. Involved in youth activism and in his church as the young adults leader.

Jennifer, ‘06 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Pursuing an associate’s degree in social work at Green River Community College. Volunteered for the Strengthening Partners and Raising Kids program at the Children’s Home Society and for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.


Jesus, ‘06 Scholar

Visual impairment. Studied computer and network technologies at Renton Technical College. Currently pursuing his music.

Joey, ‘06 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Close to graduating from Cascadia College.

K.J., ‘06 Scholar

Learning disability. Attends Skagit Valley College and hopes to become a meteorologist.


Tony, ‘06 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia. Earned degree in interdisciplinary studies combining international studies with sustainable agriculture from the University of Idaho. Currently a masters student of nonprofit leadership at Seattle University, but plans on changing majors to teaching with a special education endorsement. Works as a paraprofessional educator at Leschi Elementary School. Rows on the nationally competitive crew team for Lake Union Crew Club.


Taylor, ‘06 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Earned a bachelor’s degree in geography from the University of Idaho and a master’s degree from the University of Arizona. Now working as a contractor for Microsoft with Bing Maps.


Amrit, ‘06 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Earned a degree in sociology, with minors in Chinese and anthropology, from Haverford College. Interned at the Department of Defense as a research assistant and was a seventh grade science teacher with Teach for America.

Gabe, ‘06 Scholar

Hearing impairment, tetraphocomelia. Graduated Cascadia Community College in 2012 with a general associate’s degree. Motivational speaker who has been featured in many news and television shows. Co‑authored the book, My Message is C.L.E.A.R., in 2012. Recently got his driver’s license and a wheelchair accessible van. Coaches a basketball team.


Zachary, ‘06 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Working at Seattle City Light as an administrative support specialist. Also works at Amazon as an NDA scanner in their reception team. Volunteers at the YMCA.

Sam, ‘06 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Took classes in anatomy, physiology, and psychology at Shoreline Community College. Participates in the Mount Baker Council and volunteers at the Seattle Marathon each year. Training to be on the United States para‑equestrian team.


Kaitlin Squires, ‘06 Scholar

Seizure disorder. Earned a bachelor of arts degree from Washington State University in business administration with a focus on management and operations.

Nicole, ‘06 Scholar

Blind, bilateral hearing loss. Earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a focus in human-computer interaction from Stanford University. Works at Google improving the accessibility of Google+. Was the keynote speaker at the 2013 Annual Math and Science Conference for Principals of Schools for the Blind. Has a black labrador named Lexia as her first guide dog.



2005 Scholars

Group photo of 2005 Scholars


Dulce, ‘05 Scholar

Hearing impairment, cerebral palsy. Attends Seattle Central College and plans to become a counselor or a chef.

Shavonne, ‘05 Scholar

Spina bifida. Pursuing an associate’s degree at College of Southern Nevada and plans to transfer to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, to pursue a bachelor’s degree in law and justice with a minor in physiology. Wants to work in the juvenile court system.

Jenny, ‘05 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned an associate’s degree from Yakima Valley Community College. Would like to work as a public relations advocate for people with disabilities.



Kayla, ‘05 Scholar

Central core disease, muscular dystrophy. Graduated with a masters of social work from the University of Washington in June 2016. Also earned a bachelor of arts in community psychology from the University of Washington Bothell. Works as a program coordinator for the DO-IT Center.


Daren Dinh, ‘05 Scholar

Dyslexia. Graduated from Green River Community College. Works for Bank of America.

Bella Flaccus, ‘05 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Finished her certificate in theater and arts at Shoreline Community College. Was assistant director for a play in spring 2016. Planning on getting an associate’s degree. Volunteers at the Hunger Intervention Program food bank on Fridays and with Summer Meals in the summer. Worked at Seattle Performer, a kid’s theater camp in summer 2016 and at Flaccus Law.

Zach, ‘05 Scholar

Dysgraphia. Earned an associate’s degree in fire science. Completed classroom training to become a paramedic. Earned a national certification of firefighter paramedic and now works as a critical care paramedic in Dallas, Texas.



Marlen, ‘05 Scholar

Learning disabilities. Works in billing for a house cleaning service on an island in the San Juans. May pursue a dental program.



Logan, ‘05 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Enjoys gaming online, working out, and having a good time with friends.

Andrew, ‘05 Scholar

Tourette syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Graduated from college with degrees in criminal justice and Spanish. Works as a Rick Steves’ tour guide half the year and a Seattle Central College academic coach the other half of the year.

Nate, ‘05 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a personal trainer certificate from Bellevue College. Plans to return for an associate of science degree, then attend a four‑year college for a degree in exercise science. Works part-time.


Jesse, ‘05 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Earned a bachelor’s degree in forensic psychology and a certificate of crime analysis from Seattle University. Working on a second novel.


Noah, ‘05 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Graduated from the University of Washington. Works at the Arc of Washington on policies regarding disability legislation.  Plays wheelchair basketball for the Tacoma Titans. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2010.

Sakina, ‘05 Scholar

Graduated from Eastern Washington University. 

Kayla, ‘05 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Part-time employee at Kent Commons.

Jessie, ‘05 Scholar

Morquio’s syndrome. Attended Bellevue College and lives in an apartment with a roommate.

Daman, ‘05 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned master in business administration and a bachelor of arts in management information systems from Western Washington University. Works as a Accessibility Analyst at SSB BART Group remotely from Bellingham, WA. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2008 and acts as a DO-IT advisory board member.


Cassie (Whitemarsh), ‘05 Scholar

Spina bifida. Attending Interface College to become a medical assistant.

2004 Scholars

Group photo of 2004 DO-IT Scholars


Andrew, ‘04 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability (written language)
Earned a bachelor of music degree from Western Washington University and a master of music degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Auditioning for operatic roles around the US and Europe. Focusing on opera performances and public outreach to increase people’s exposure to opera.


Laura, ‘04 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury. Earned a master’s degree in teaching and a bachelor’s degree in humanities for teaching with a minor in mathematics from Seattle University. Works teaching high school math in Seattle. Received the DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2011.


Lukas, ‘04 Scholar

Amyoplasia arthrogyposis multiplex congenital. Earned a degree in speech communication with a minor in leadership studies from Whitworth University. Currently works for Pyrotek Inc. as a business analyst while starting a business on the side.


Kathleen, ‘04 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology from Washington State University. Previously worked in a neuro‑electrophysiology lab but now works for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as a Scientific Field Tech, currently monitoring steelhead retention.

Carrie, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Currently pursuing a degree in psychology while also working as a social media promotion agent for various entertainers and businesses all across the Los Angeles area.

Tracy, ‘04 Scholar

Learning disability. Cares for her two children, Jordan and Austin, and her mother-in-law.

Amanda, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Employed as a para-educator working with young adults with autism. Uses art to express her experiences as a person with a disability.

Daniel, ‘04 Scholar

Dyslexia, diabetic, adrenal failure. Earned a bachelor of science in physics from Western Washington University, and a masters of science in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington. Since June 2013, has been working for Amnis, part of EMD Millipore, designing and creating assembly drawings for their Imaging Flow Cytometers.


Julie, ‘04 Scholar

Spina bifida. Plans to attend Everett Community College.

Meg, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in human services. Works as an activities aide at a rehabilitation center calling bingo in the evening.  

Maryann, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Graduated from Shoreline Community College; was transferring to the University of Washington to study social work and disability law when she died after surgery in July 2010. Engaged with The Arc of Snohomish County and Disability Rights Washington and competed in the Special Olympics.

Alex, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned an associate’s degree from Cascadia Community College and a bachelor’s degree in society, ethics, and human behavior at the University of Washington Bothell.

Makenna, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Assistant Volunteer Coordinator for The Arc of Whatcom County. Volunteers at Parent to Parent of Whatcom County, Max Higbee Center, and FACES (Families for Autistic Children’s Education & Support) Northwest.

Katie, ‘04 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder and dyslexia. Earned a degree in English from Western Washington University. Worked with the Franciscan Volunteer Ministry in Philadelphia.

Ashley, ‘04 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Has a part-time job at Publix. Is the vice-chairperson of the Athlete Leadership Program for Special Olympics of Broward County. Loves to bowl and meet new people.

Vishal, ‘04 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Passed away in January 2014. Attended Cascadia Community College. Completed an internship with the University of Washington Athletic Department, Women’s Crew.

Bud, ‘04 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned degrees in economics and math from Gonzaga University; pursuing a doctoral degree in finance at the University of Southern California. Interned at Boeing, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA).

Russell, ‘04 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Earned a bachelor of arts in history with a minor in Spanish from Pacific Lutheran University. Tutored college students in Spanish.

Michael, ‘04 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Washington State University. Pursuing a position as an engineer involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source.

Blanca, ‘04 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Attended Columbia Basin College; plans to transfer to Eastern Washington University to study child psychology.

Jessica, ‘04 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, ataxia, learning disability. Earned an associate’s degree from Olympic College and a bachelor’s degree in early childhood and family studies from the University of Washington. Earned a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling from Western Washington University.

2003 Scholars



Patrick, '03 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Died in spring 2010 after earning a bachelor’s degree in information technology from Central Washington University.

Crystal, ’03 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury. Graduated from Columbia High School.

Justin, ’03 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Earned a bachelor of science in chemistry from the University of Washington. Previously attended the University of Arizona in Tucson and swam for team USA at the Paralympics in China.

Zachary, ’03 Scholar

Short-term memory loss. Graduated from Stanwood High School. Has worked at a food bank and an animal shelter.

Jamie, ’03 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a bachelor’s degree in special education from Central Washington University, summa cum laude and Presidential Scholar, and a master’s degree in education from Lesley University, specializing in curriculum development through the arts. Teaches elementary school students who have autism.

Shaun, ’03 Scholar

Low vision. Attended Spokane Community College. 

Skylor, ’03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Attends Centralia College, majoring in early childhood education. Plans to study psychology.

Vanessa, ’03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Attends the American InterContinental University online, studying business administration.

Joshua, ’03 Scholar

Spina bifida. Passed away in May 2008 after a sixteen-month battle with cancer. Received an honorary degree from Landmark College.


Matt, ‘03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, learning disabilities. Works in real estate management.

Joshua, ’03 Scholar

Blind. Attends Clark College, studying broadcasting. Interested in novel writing and becoming a DJ.

Annemarie, ’03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor of arts in English, Spanish, and political science from the University of Portland. Currently earning a bachelor of science in secondary mathematics education from Western Governor’s University. Works as an in-house substitute teacher at Kennedy High School.

Tressa, ’03 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a bachelor’s degree in social science with a focus on environmental studies from the University of Washington. Works as a professional photographer in Seattle.

Conrad, ’03 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. Earned a law degree from the University of Washington after graduating summa cum laude from Seattle Pacific University. Now has a law practice in Seattle named Washington Civil & Disability Advocate. Interned in Washington, DC as part of the American Association of People with Disabilities Congressional Internship and the Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Received the Blackstone Legal Fellowship in 2013 and a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2012, and was the first person to use a powered wheelchair in the Seattle Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon. Currently serves as chair of the Governor’s Award Subcommittee and member of the Coordinating Committee for the Washington State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment.

Andrew, ’03 Scholar

Bilateral radial club hand. Graduated from Washington State University with a major in hospitality business management. Married and manages the family farm in Pasco, WA. Welcomed his first child in July 2016.

Jesse, ’03 Scholar

Dyslexia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Goshen College. Leads teams, designs software, and writes code as an architect at Digital Foundry in San Francisco.

Senait, ’03 Scholar

Health and vision impairmentsEarned a degree in medical anthropology and global health from the University of Washington (UW). Participated in leadership development programs, including UW’s Women’s Leadership Institute. Advocates for people with disabilities and is pursuing employment in international health or public service.

Jamie, ’03 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned an associate’s degree in accounting from Big Bend Community College. Works as a watermaster clerk and purchasing assistant for the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District.

Natasha, ’03 Scholar

Hearing impairment. Works as a sign language interpreter at an elementary school in Yakima. Married and has two children.

Scott, ’03 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Earned an associate’s degree in machine technology and mechanical engineering from Bellingham Technical College and an associate’s degree in electrical engineering and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Washington State University. Working as a mechanical engineer in Burlington, WA.

2002 Scholars

Group photo of 2002 DO-IT Scholars


Amy, ’02 Scholar

Learning disability, attention deficit disorder. Works as a dental assistant.


Silvia, ’02 Scholar

Osteogenesis imperfecta, syringomyelia. Attended Big Bend Community College with a major in accounting. Passed away January 2011.

Rebecca, ’02 Scholar

Learning disability. Works at a nursing home as a nurse’s aid.

Ian, ’02 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Has degree in computer information systems from Skagit Valley College. Interested in software engineering, website construction, and other computer-related occupations.  Currently working as a math tutor for local students.

Saroj, ’02 Scholar

Learning disability. Attended Bellevue College. Would like to pursue a career as a social worker.


Gimmie, ’02 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned an associate’s degree from Clark College. Attends Washington State University (WSU) pursuing a bachelor’s degree in animal science. Plans on applying to veterinary school at WSU. Has a son.

Scott, ’02 Scholar

Atypical Aspergers - autistic psychopathy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political economics and history, as well as a master’s degree in policy studies from the University of Washington (UW). Worked at the Defense Contract Management Agency and at UW’s Access Technology Center.


Leon, ’02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a master’s degree in library and information science from the University of Washington. Works for Bellingham Technical College.

Alexandra, ’02 Scholar

Low vision. Earned a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Washington (UW). Worked as a research scientist in the Shendure Lab in UW’s Department of Genome Science and is now a stay-at-home mom.

James, ’02 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Earned a degree in political science from The Evergreen State College.


Jared, ’02 Scholar

Health impairment. Earned an associate’s degree in liberal arts from Columbia Basin College.

Rima, ’02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned degrees in political science and communications from the University of Washington. Interned at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the American Civil Liberties Union. Worked as civilian administrative assistant for the Coast Guard in the summer of 2008. Volunteered for the Obama Campaign. Works at Inbios International Incorporated for infectious disease diagnostics as a document control specialist and quality systems analyst.

Chris, ’02 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. University of Washington alumnus. Works as a software development engineer at Microsoft. Received the DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2009 and acts as a DO-IT Advisory Board member.

Carson, ’02 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a bachelor of arts in comparative literature with honors from the University of Washington. Works in digital product development and lives in Washington, D.C.

Dale, ’02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a law degree from Gonzaga University. Works at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Angela, ’02 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Attended community college and studies psychology. Hopes to become a social worker or counselor for teenagers.

2001 Scholars

Group photo of 2001 DO-IT Scholars


Brandon, ‘01 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Was looking forward to earning a college degree and becoming a software engineer when he died in April 2003 from a respiratory infection. 

Brad, ’01 Scholar

Generalized anxiety disorder, learning disability. Earned a bachelor of science degree in sociology and just earned a second degree in mechanical engineering technology from Central Washington University.

Chris, ‘01 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Achieved his childhood dream of attending the University of Washington. Died in his dorm room in February 2004.


Elizabeth, ’01 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a master’s degree in social work from Eastern Washington University.

Jeff, ’01 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Attended college in Spokane, WA.


Caleb, ’01 Scholar

Visual and mobility impairments. Earned associates of arts degree from Skagit Valley Community College in 2008. Attended a few classes at Western Washington University. Currently close to finishing the Bellingham Technical College Computer Networking Program. Interested in assistive computer technology like screen readers, assistive keyboards, and voice recognition for those who have physical and mobility limitations. Enjoys looking around for new and existing assistive technology that might help me or that I can learn about to possibly help others.

Raechell, ’01 Scholar

C7 quadriplegic, profoundly deaf, respiratory fragile. Graduated from South Puget Sound Community College; transferred to The Evergreen State College to earn a teaching degree and is currently studying Spanish.


Lauren, ’01 Scholar

Neurofibromatosis. Earned a bachelor’s degree in social services from Central Washington University. Pursuing a certificate in library and information services at Highline Community College.

Matt, ’01 Scholar

Dyslexia, short-term memory defect. Works as a chemical process safety manager for Georgia-Pacific in Oregon. Married and has an active 2-year-old son.


Brandon, ’01 Scholar

Left side paralysis and epilepsy, caused by a traumatic brain injury at 13. Has a bachelor of arts degree from The Evergreen State College and a master of education in counseling from the University of Puget Sound. Employed as career specialist in the ACHIEVE Program at Highline College. Serves on the Governor’s Committee For Disability Issues and Employment and as Co-Vice Chair of the Youth Leadership Forum. Received a 2015 DO-IT Trailblazer Award. 

Alexandra, ’01 Scholar

Deaf. Earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Washington. Works as an accountant at Oberto Beef Jerky.

Jacob, ’01 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bilateral clubfeet. Earned a bachelor’s degree in archeology from the University of West Florida.

Amy, ’01 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in special education from Central Washington University. Works as a substitute teacher in Everett Public Schools. Has an American Eskimo dog named Edward.

Mike, ’01 Scholar

Asperger syndrome. Continuing work on an accessible campaign game (an RPG, similar to Dungeons and Dragons) that will be both digital and table top.

Sarah, ’01 Scholar

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. Graduated from Seattle Pacific University. Studied to be a Spanish–English interpreter and translator.

Brandi, ’01 Scholar

Deaf. Attends the University of Minnesota Crookston, majoring in equine science and minoring in flight aviation. Works with people with disabilities at Connections of Moorhead.

Trisha, ’01 Scholar

Learning disability. Interested in being a history or science teacher.

Steven, ’01 Scholar

Transverse myelitis. Earned a bachelor of science in business administration from the University of Arizona and a master of arts in child and adolescent development from San Jose State University. Married in May 2013 and currently living in San Francisco, CA. Represented the United States Paralympic Track and Field team in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics as well as the 2013 World Championships in Lyon, France and the 2015 World Championships in Doha, Qatar. Currently working for the Riekes Center in Menlo Park, CA as the manager of adaptive and veterans programs.    

Ryan, ’01 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a degree in environmental sciences and technology from the University of Washington, Bothell. Is a Commissioner on the Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities.Cerebral palsy. Earned a degree in environmental sciences and technology from the University of Washington, Bothell. Is a Commissioner on the Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities.

Matt, ’01 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Earned an associate’s degree from Clark College. Studying digital technology and culture at Washington State University.

2000 Scholars

Group photo of 2000 DO-IT Scholars


Ryan, ’00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Washington. Works for the Centers for Disease Control as the lead at the Section 508 Help Desk in North Carolina.    

Nora, ‘00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a master’s degree in education.

Israel, ’00 Scholar

Blind. Earned an associate’s degree from Wenatchee Valley College. Attends Central Washington University, majoring in public relations.

Brian, ’00 Scholar

Mild static encephalopathy, patella femoral syndrome. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Washington. Graduated from the funeral service program at the Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Works at a funeral home in Seattle. Married to fellow 2000 Scholar Nohemi Romero.


Benjamin, ’00 Scholar

Dyslexia dysgraphia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science, with honors, from the University of Oklahoma. President of Kellner Capital, a New York City-based investment management firm.

Andrea, ’00 Scholar

Brain Stroke. Earned a bachelor’s degree in architectural studies from the University of Washington and a master’s degree in theatre arts from San Diego State University. Currently works with DO-IT Mentor Karen Braitmayer.

Corinna, ’00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Works as an advocate for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities at The Arc of Snohomish County as a self-advocacy coordinator, where she works closely with elected officials as well as the community. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2010.

Kasey, ‘00 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Washington State University and a master’s degree in sustainable real estate development from Tulane University in New Orleans. Works as a management and budget specialist. Served in the Peace Corps in Bulgaria.

Susanna, ’00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Washington and a master’s degree from Gonzaga University. Working for a foreclosure prevention non-profit organization in Seattle. Has an 8-year‑old daughter.

Deke, ’00 Scholar

Aphasia. Currently working as a senior security engineer for Nordstrom with cloud and point of sale focus. Certified in: ISC2: Certified information systems security professional (CISSP) and GIAC: Certified Critical Controls (GCCC). 

Stephanie, ’00 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned a bachelor’s degree in social work from Eastern Washington University; attends graduate school in vocational rehabilitation counseling at Western Washington University. Living in the Seattle area and doing her program internship. Studying for her certification and looking forward to graduating.


Nick, ’00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a certificate in culinary arts from North Seattle College. 

Nathan, ’00 Scholar

Dyslexia and other learning differences. Earned an associate of arts degree from Shoreline Community College with two supporting certificates in film. Completed college certificate in railroad conducting from the National Academy of Railroad Sciences. While there, he made the dean’s list for the six week course at Johnson County Community College, for spring semester. Completed two years of railroad work as a conductor and is now starting as a student engineer.  Is a digital media manager for the Decision Education Foundation. He continues to volunteer with Open Street Map (OSM) and HOT in support of world natural disasters.

Nohemi, ’00 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned an associate’s degree in computer science; plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Married to fellow 2000 Scholar Brian and lives in the Seattle area.

Crystal, ’00 Scholar

Hearing impairment. Earned a bachelor’s degree in social work from Eastern Washington University. Has a son.

1999 Scholars

Group photo of 1999 DO-IT Scholars


Roy, ’99 Scholar

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Central Washington University. Worked several contracts for Microsoft testing software, including user interface accessibility. Now works for Maker’s Tool Works, a 3D printer company, providing documentation and customer support. Pursues personal robot projects including a self-driving wheelchair and lives in Renton, WA.


Crystal, ’99 Scholar

Speech and learning disabilities. Owns a daycare business and an inflatable playhouse rental business for parties. Is also a fire commissioner. Mother to two boys.


Kathy, ‘99 Scholar

Spina bifida and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pursuing an associate’s degree in arts and sciences at Tacoma Community College (TCC), with plans to continue studies in social welfare. Works in TCC’s enrollment services office, taking over many responsibilities from her retired supervisor.


David, ’99 Scholar

Attended Seattle Central College.

Oscar, ’99 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Attended Yakima Community College.

J.W., ’99 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. Graduated from Big Bend Community College and was interested in a career in computer-aided design or video game programming when he passed away in March 2005.

Buffy, ’99 Scholar

Deaf. Earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education and master’s degree in deaf education at Western Oregon University. Works as a coach and teacher at the Washington State School for the Deaf.


Pat, ’99 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned an associate’s degree in computing from Spokane Falls Community College and is enrolled at Western Governors University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in information technology network design and management. Works as a lead in the IT department of Numerica Credit Union. Married and has children.

Ryan, ’99 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned an associate’s degree from Grays Harbor College.

Zachary, ’99 Scholar

Freeman-Sheldon syndrome. Attended Seattle Central College. Learned Mandarin at the Mandarin Training Center at the National Taiwan Normal University.


Stuart, ’99 Scholar

Larsen syndrome, double amputee with two artificial legs. Earned a bachelor’s degree in European studies with a minor in political science from the University of Washington. Works at the National Oceanic and Atmoshperic Administration Fisheries Science Center as an information technology specialist.

Lacey, ‘99 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, language and processing disabilities. Attends Shoreline Community College. Interested in one day helping/working with people who have physical disabilities where they gather, socialize, and participate in events. Blogs about disability and advocacy issues at and/or on her Facebook page.

Nate, ’99 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned a degree in political science and philosophy from the University of Portland. Worked in nonprofit environments, including a homeless shelter in Uganda. Plans to pursue Peace Corps service in sub-Saharan Africa.

Wolfgang, ’99 Scholar

Learning disability. Attended Skagit Valley College and the University of Washington.


Kelci, ’99 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Works as a substitute teacher.


Tynesha, ’99 Scholar

Spina bifida. Earned a degree in social sciences from Seattle Central College. Currently finishing up her last quarter at the Seattle Vocational Institute in the Medical Administrative Assistant certification program. Starts the summer quarter in the Medical Assistant program. Recently got a job with Full Life Home Care Agency.


Ali, ’99 Scholar

Osteogenesis imperfect. Earned an associate’s degree from Edmonds Community College; pursuing a bachelor of science degree in computer engineering at Washington State University.

1998 Scholars

Group photo of 1998 Washington DO-IT Scholars


Blair, ’98 Scholar

Brain injury. Earned a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics and a master’s degree in industrial technology from the University of Idaho. Works for Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

Katrina, ’98 Scholar

Traumatic brain injury. Earned an associate’s degree in integrated studies from Cascadia Community College and a bachelor’s degree in global studies with a minor in human rights from the University of Washington Bothell. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2012. Investigating her genealogy through online, textual, and first-person research and sharing her findings with the world.


Emily, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology and anthropology at Florida International University. Works as a communications consultant in the non-profit sector.


Kimberlee, ‘98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, autism. Volunteers for the Salvation Army. Participates in Special Olympics track, basketball, and bowling. Enjoys zumba, going to Disneyland, hanging out with friends and family, and being an aunt. Lives in an assisted living residence.

Eddie, ’98 Scholar

Earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Spokane Falls Community College.

Shavonne, ’98 Scholar

Glaucoma. Earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of New Orleans.

Justin, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned an associate’s degree in wilderness recreation leadership from North Country Community College in Saranac Lake, NY. Works part-time as an independent living specialist and arch barrier consultant for Tri‑Lakes Center for Independent Living.


Matt, ’98 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Attended Spokane Falls Community College. Hopes to become a network security analyst.

Amy, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Graduated from secretarial school and attended business courses at Anoka Technical College. Manages her own business.

Chris, ’98 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, dysgraphia. Co-owner of Faded Karma Productions, audio engineer for Ford Audio Service, and live sound engineer for Super Geek League’s Sci Fi Punk Circus.

Chanon, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Studied social work at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Received a black labrador service dog named Jersey from Paws With a Cause.

Maggie, ’98 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. Teaches high school math.

Brian, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Washington and a master’s degree in sports management from the University of San Francisco. Works as the information technology director for Glostone Trucking Solutions and as chief operations officer and chief technology officer of Med‑Safe Management.


Marissa, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Works as one of the lead office administrators for the Federal Aviation Administration.

Landon, ’98 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Attended South Puget Sound Community College.

Jessica, ’98 Scholar

Dyslexia. Attended Santa Fe Community College and the University of New Mexico.


Crystal, ‘98 Scholar

Visual impairment. Interested in attending a community college in the Portland area.

Nick, ’98 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Notre Dame.

David, ’98 Scholar

Congenital stationary night blindness, some motor deficiencies. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Grinnell College and a doctoral degree in public affairs and policy from Portland State University. Works as a fiscal and policy analyst at Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission, with a focus on outcomes-based funding, accountability, and policy research.

Jeffrey, ’98 Scholar

Ataxia telangiectasia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and geology from Northeastern University. Died in April 2006.

Buddy, ’98 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from University of Phoenix. 

Wesley, ’98 Scholar

Blind. Earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Works for Nebraska’s Office of the Chief Information Officer as an Internet application developer.


Reginald, ’98 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Earned a bachelor’s degree from Fort Valley State University. 

Khrystal, ’98 Scholar

Dyslexia. Full-time mother and wife.

John, ’98 Scholar

Deaf. Earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Montana.

Jessie, ’98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in political science, magna cum laude, from Arizona State University and a law degree from the University of San Francisco. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2009. Works as a lawyer in the Bay area.

Michael, ’98 Scholar

Learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Earned a bachelor of science degree in mathematical sciences and physics, from the University of Alberta. Earned a bachelor of arts degree in secondary education. Works for Qi Creative as an education consultant and behavior coach, helping children with special needs, their families, and their communities. Runs his own marketing company that specializes in social cause and social norm campaigns.


Silas, ’98 Scholar

Visual impairment. Interested in programming or designing video games.


Jessie, ’98 Scholar

Dyslexia, attention deficit disorder. Earned a bachelor’s degree in informatics with a minor in dance from the University of Washington. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2005. Works for Expedia.

Ivan, ‘98 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, learning disability. Earned a bachelor’s degree, magna cum laude, from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and a law degree from the University of Maryland. Works as a lawyer.


Todd, ’98 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Works as a musician.

Hank, ’98 Scholar

Blind. Hopes to attend college for computer or radio broadcasting.

Arnell, '98 Scholar

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, communication disorder. Has worked in retail.

Nichole, '98 Scholar

Scoliosis and kyphosis with metatrophic dwarfism, dysplasia, epilepsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree from The Evergreen State College. Volunteers in community service.

Corey, '98 Scholar

Tourette syndrome, attention deficit disorder, panic disorder. Earned a degree in mechanical engineering from Seattle University. Employed as a design engineer at Centrix Aerospace. 

Dustin, '98 Scholar

Dyslexia. Earned a degree in physical education from Ball State University. Works as a high school physical education teacher and head volleyball coach. Is head coach of the Minnesota One Junior Olympic Volleyball Team. Married.

Abraham, '98 Scholar

Visual impairment. Plans to pursue a career in music.

Isaiah, '98 Scholar

Spinocerebellar degeneration. Attended Pacific University to pursue a degree in education.

1997 Scholars

Group photo of 1997 DO-IT Scholars


Andrew, ‘97 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Earned an associate of applied science degree in graphic arts from Monroe Community College. Also studied physics at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Works as a lead technician at Frontier Communications.

Amanda, ’97 Scholar

Paraplegia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in communications with a minor in computer systems integration from the University of Great Falls; graduated with honors. Works as a freelance writer.

Jennifer, ’97 Scholar

Blind. Earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Dakota. Lives in Spring Valley, CA. Is a homemaker and enjoys hosting other people in her home. Looking forward to receiving her first guide dog.

Cynthia, ’97 Scholar

Achondroplasia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Washington. Works at the Federal Aviation Administration as a management and program analyst.

Trent, ’97 Scholar

Has worked at Target for the last sixteen years and really enjoys cashiering and a variety of other jobs there. Has been on the board for ENSO (Envisioning Solutions) for several years. Recently joined the board for the USA games and will be involved in planning the 2018 Special Olympics held in Seattle. Currently lives in a condo on Alki.


Ben, ‘97 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Earned an associate’s degree in design drafting and a mechanical design certificate from Green River Community College; is pursuing an architectural and civil drafting degree.

Justin, ’97 Scholar

Blind. Attended college.

Michael, ’97 Scholar

Spina bifida with upper motor neuron dysfunction. Earned a doctoral degree in political theory and international politics from the University of Denver’s Graduate School of International Studies.

Alexi, ’97 Scholar

Profoundly deaf. Earned degrees in English and publishing from the University of Connecticut. Works for a survey sampling service, supporting market research companies.

Karyn, ’97 Scholar

Dyslexia. Works as a personal trainer and running coach. Travels around the world completing half marathons, 10k and 5k races. Lives with her husband and dog, Tilly, in Snohomish, WA.

Shakethia, ‘97 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Earned a bachelor of accountancy degree from Mississippi State University and a master of business administration degree from Belhaven University. Works for Lafayette County as an accounts payable clerk.

Steven, ’97 Scholar

Severe hearing loss. Earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Connecticut and a master of business administration degree from the University of New Haven. Works for a hedge fund administrator as a senior fund accountant in San Francisco.

Laura, ’97 Scholar

Ischemic spinal cord injury. Earned a master’s degree and a doctoral degree in micro electronics and photonics from the University of Arkansas. Recipient of the Walton Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship.


Keaton, ’97 Scholar

Blind. Attended the University of Utah and was pursuing a career in engineering when he died in 2001 after a battle with cancer. 


Veronica, ’97 Scholar

Earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and a law degree from Georgetown University. Worked in the United States Senate. Practices corporate law in New York.


Sharon, ’97 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned a certification for teaching people with visual impairments, a bachelor’s degree in social science, and a master’s degree in education from Portland State University. Studied orientation and mobility at the University of Northern Colorado. Teaches elementary school children at the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind (USDB). Vice-president of USDB Education Association. Actively involved in the guide dog community.

1996 Scholars

Group photo of 1996 DO-IT Scholars


David, ’96 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, dysgraphia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in microbiology with minors in computer science and chemistry from Eastern Washington University. Works as a study supervisor in the pharmaceutical industry.


Cheri, ’96 Scholar

Paraplegia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Arizona and a medical degree from Stanford University. Internal medicine resident at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2004. Competitor in wheelchair racing events, including the 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing Paralympics.

Daniel, ’96 Scholar

Brain tumor. Earned a degree in computer science from Eastern Connecticut State University.

David, ’96 Scholar

Albinism and low vision. Attended Eastern Oregon State College.

Chris, ’96 Scholar

Hearing impairment. Graduated magna cum laude with a degree in graphic communications and emphasis in multimedia from Minnesota State University, Moorhead. Works as a web administrator for Daktronics.

Lucas, ’96 Scholar

Hearing impairment. Studied public policy and administration at Western Oregon University. Works for the Oregon Department of Justice and Benton County Sheriff’s Office.

Maria, ’96 Scholar

Deaf. Earned a bachelor of social work degree from Rochester Institute of Technology and a master of social work degree from California State University, East Bay. Has a daughter and a service dog. Lives by the words “Life is short, live bold! Be heard, be you, dream big, take risks, don’t wait.”

Mike, ’96 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Attended Pacific Lutheran University.

Rebecca, ’96 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Attended San Diego State University and studied political science and interior design with an interest in designing accessible homes. Mentored for the Center for Emerging Leadership.

Katrina, ’96 Scholar

Diabetes. Earned a bachelor’s degree in English and art from Augustana College, and a master’s degree in teaching from City University. Pursuing a career as a middle school teacher.

Jodi, ’96 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a doctoral degree in genetics and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in exercise physiology at Iowa State University with a research emphasis in ras-mediated signal transduction in cancer cells. Works as an assistant professor of biology at the University of Maryland University College.


Anh, ’96 Scholar

Larsen syndrome. Earned a bachelor’s degree in economic finances and information technology management and a master’s degree in city and regional planning from the University of California, Berkeley.

Travis, ’96 Scholar

Blind. Earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Specializes in software and web accessibility consulting.

James, ’96 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Attended Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, PA. 


Dana, ’96 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder. Earned a degree in graphic design from the University of Massachusetts. Works as a graphic designer.

Josh, ’96 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. Earned an associate’s degree in horticulture science from Hawkeye Community College. Works in landscape design and freelance web design. Owns a nursery and garden shop, specializing in water gardens and hostas. Web editor on the Board of Directors for the American Hosta Society.

1995 Scholars

Group photo of 1995 DO-IT Scholars


Jesse, ’95 Scholar

Blind. Earned a bachelor’s degree in information technology from the University of Minnesota, Crookston and a master’s degree in instructional design and technology from the University of North Dakota. Certified as a vision rehabilitation therapist. Works as an assistive technology specialist for Minnesota State Services for the Blind.


Bror, ’95 Scholar

Learning disability. Has helped build Toyota pickups.

CJ, ’95 Scholar

Attention deficit disorder, learning disability. Has worked in a technical support role.

Andrew, ‘95 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. Had a strong desire to go to college and open his own computer drafting business when he died of complications from pneumonia in 1996.

Jeffrey, ’95 Scholar

Psoriatic arthritis. Attended Shoreline Community College.

Wes, ’95 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Attended both Central and Eastern Washington Universities.

Mike, '95 Scholar

Dyslexia. Attended college courses and is interested in architecture.


Jorja, ’95 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in therapeutic recreation from Southern Illinois University and a master of social work degree from Grand Valley State University (GVSU). Worked as a graduate assistant for GVSU’s School of Social Work and in program development at a child abuse prevention agency.

Aimee, ’95 Scholar

Learning disability. Completed college coursework and works in the customer service field.

Shawn, ’95 Scholar

Quadriplegia. Earned a bachelor’s degree in social services at Central Washington University and a web design certificate from the Art Institute. Works as a peer group coordinator for the Center for Independence North Sound in Bellingham. Member of Self Advocates in Leadership and lives in Sedro-Woolley, WA.

Matt, ’95 Scholar

Deaf. Attended Pierce College and has been working with commercial glass as a journeyman glazier. Plays on a Northwest National Softball Association of the Deaf team and is coaching this year. Married and has children.

Jeremy, ’95 Scholar

Brain injury. Pursuing a successful career as a door maker.

Bridget, ’95 Scholar

Hearing impairment. Earned bachelor’s degrees in biology and speech and hearing sciences from Whitman College and a doctoral degree in audiology from the University of Washington. Works as a pediatric audiologist at Seattle Children’s Hospital.


Matthew, ’95 Scholar

Epidermolysis bullosa. Attended the University of Washington pursuing technical communication. Died in the spring of 2012.

Jannette, ’95 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Earned a bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University and a master’s degree from the University of San Diego. Works for the U.S. Army at Fort Lewis, WA. In 2009, served as Ms. Wheelchair Washington, and was first runner up for Ms. Wheelchair America. Married.

Bill, ’95 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Attended college courses and continues to be interested in computers.

Todd, ‘95 Scholar

Spinal cord injury, C4 Quadriplegia. Studied computer programming. Is a husband, father, and the founder of C4 Consulting.

Rachel, ’95 Scholar

Renal failure, hearing loss. Earned teaching degree and certificate.

Priscilla, ’95 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Worked as a web accessibility specialist, disability advocate, and personal care assistant. Received the Presidential Volunteer Services Award in 2010 and a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2011.

1994 Scholars

Group photo of 1994 DO-IT Scholars


Anthony, ’94 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, learning disabilities. Works in the technical service department for the Prentke Romich Company as a remote troubleshooter in technical support. Also involved with Blue Sky Designs in Minneapolis working on various communication devices and tablets that can be mounted onto wheelchairs. Speaking about different mounting solutions at The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) in August. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2007. Assisted in writing the book, Transition Strategies for Adolescents and Young Adults Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication by David McNaughton and David Beukelman.


Ben, ’94 Scholar

Spinal muscular dystrophy. Earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Washington and a law degree from Pepperdine School of Law. Passed the Washington State Bar exam and practiced law in Kennewick, WA. Passed away in April 2008. 

Jen, ’94 Scholar

Undiagnosed severe neuropathy. Founder and director of GimpGirl Community at Is a research associate with Experiential Design and Gaming Environments (EDGE) Lab at Ryerson University. Has worked with government, educational, and community organizations to create policy focusing on women with disabilities, technology, and sexual health. Lives in Washington with her partner and his son.

Maria, ’94 Scholar

Post-polio. Works for a utility company and enjoys being a wife and mother in Vancouver, WA.

Daniel, ’94 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned an associate’s degree from Pierce Community College. Works as the Seattle-DC supervisor for Pacific Office Automation. Married and has five children.

Travis, ’94 Scholar

Health and orthopedic impairments, dwarfism. Earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Utah State University. Works for 21st Century Technologies as a software engineer. Married.

Takuya, ’94 Scholar

Health impairment, speech impairment, nervous system dysmorphia, congenital scoliosis. Earned a bachelor of science degree in mathematics with a minor in applied mathematics from the University of Washington. Works in Japan at a company that manufactures and sells insecticide and other products.

Sherri, ’94 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned a degree in psychology from Southern Oregon University.


Shawnna, ‘94 Scholar

Muscular dystrophy. Worked at Columbia Industries in Kennewick, WA. Died in October 2003.  

Nguyen, ’94 Scholar

Paralysis from brain injury. Participates in various volunteer positions in the community. 

Sarah, ’94 Scholar

Dyslexia. Graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Married with a child.

Carolyn, ’94 Scholar

Cerebral palsy, low vision. Studied science in college.

Kris, ’94 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned a bachelor of science degree and a master of science degree in information technology management from Western Governors University, and a bachelor of science degree in chemistry from Oregon State University. Assistant professor and program director of the Bachelors of Science Information Technology and Cyber-Security at Oregon Institute of Technology. Received a DO-IT Trailblazer award in 2009. Married and living in Wilsonville, OR.

Megan, ’94 Scholar

Chronic lyme disease. Earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Pacific Lutheran University and a master’s degree and PA-C (Physician’s Assistant with Certification) from Pacific University. Works in San Diego as a neurology hospitalist PA-C.


1993 Scholars

Group photo of 1993 DO-IT Scholars


Rachel, ’93 Scholar

Stroke resulting in right side weakness. Earned a bachelor’s degree in social work with a minor in applied psychology from Eastern Washington University. Earned a master of social work degree through an online program at the University of Southern California. Crisis mental health therapist. Married and a mother. Enjoys bike rides with the family.

Mark, ’93 Scholar

Attended Big Bend Community College and Eastern Washington University. Was developing plans for an Internet-based business when he died peacefully in his sleep in 2001.

Katie, ‘93 Scholar

Hearing impairment. Earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Washington State University, and a master’s degree in physical therapy from Eastern Washington University. Works at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, WA, as an inpatient physical therapist. Received her second bilateral cochlear implant. Mother of two.

Nhi, ’93 Scholar

Multiple sclerosis, visual impairment. Works for Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind.

Ryan, ‘93 Scholar

Learning disability. Earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Seattle University. Founder of Fleming’s, a holiday lighting company. Married with 2 kids and owns a home in West Seattle.


Lloyd, ‘93 Scholar

Hearing Impairment. Earned an associate’s degree in electronics technology from Crowder College Electronics Institute in Kansas City, MO. Studying computer forensics at Missouri Southern State University.

Randy, ’93 Scholar

Blind. Earned a bachelor’s degree from The Evergreen State College and a master’s degree in technology management from City University of Seattle. Works as a senior systems analyst at Transaction Network Services. Married with children.

Nadira, ’93 Scholar

Mobility impairment. Graduated with an associate’s degree in computer information and technology. Currently working as a court interpreter for the Punjabi language. 

Rodney, ’93 Scholar

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital. Engaged in computer projects, is a writer for the community newspaper, and is studying to be a Python/Django developer.

Eric, ’93 Scholar

Visual impairment. Earned an associate’s degree in computer applications from Mt. Hood Community College and a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Portland State University School of Business. Completed internship at the Portland Jewish Academy and earned career pathways certificate in Windows Server Administration from Portland Community College. Completed a resource search internship at the Oregon Department of Human Services and now works as a contracts coordinator. 


Anna, ‘93 Scholar

Blind. Earned a bachelor’s degree in cell and molecular biology at the University of Washington. Was an artist, consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics, and black belt in Aikido when she died from cancer in June 2004. She received a DO-IT Trailblazer award the same year. 

Hollis, ’93 Scholar

Cerebral palsy. Starting his own business selling assistive equipment for wheelchairs.


Matt, ’93 Scholar

Dyslexia. Earned a bachelor of science in mathematics and computer science and a bachelor of arts in international political economy from University of Puget Sound. Director of engineering for a midwest startup. Married with three children.

Mitchell, ’93 Scholar

Spina bifida, Homer’s syndrome, thalamic pain syndrome. Earned an associate’s degree from Wenatchee Valley College and has worked as a professional recording artist.

In Memory

Thor, ‘14 Scholar

It is with sadness that we share the loss of our friend Thor, who passed away in May of 2016. Thor first participated in the Scholars program in 2014, and has been a part of the DO‑IT family ever since.

Thor graduated from Burlington-Edison High School where he served as activities director of the Student Body Leadership, a member of Key Club, a mentor to freshman students, and part of Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA). He had plans to attend Skagit Valley College in the fall with a goal of attending Western Washington University in two years. His education was very important to him. He was planning to pursue a career in law.

When not in school, Thor was active in Young Life, 4-H, and WyldLife. Thor was also an avid sports fan, and was known for his vast sports knowledge. He was the person to go to if you wanted to know NFL stats. Growing up as a fifth-generation farmer, Thor also enjoyed the outdoors, including camping, fishing, and hunting.

Thor will always be remembered for his bright, shining smile, and a personality that would fill the room. We will all cherish every memory we have of Thor.

If you would like to honor Thor by making a donation, please donate to the Burlington-Edison Alumni Foundation (B-EAF), PO Box 350, Burlington, Washington 98233. Please include “Thor Knutzen” on the note line of your donation.

Elizabeth (Liz), ‘07 Scholar

It is with great sadness that we share the loss of  2007 Scholar, Elizabeth. She passed away on February 9, 2016. Liz was often quiet but had a great sense of humor and an amazing smile. She was a very caring person whose goal when she entered DO-IT was to work with others to help them relieve their stress.

Liz graduated from high school in 2009. She worked as a dental sterilization technician while attending community college. Liz earned her associate of arts degree in December 2015. She held various career goals over the years, but the common theme was her desire to make others happy.

DO-IT staff, participants, and mentors will remember Liz for her love of singing. She was also a huge animal lover. Horseback riding was a favorite childhood activity, but her love of animals extended beyond horses. Her friends and family knew she wanted to live surrounded by a variety of animals and teased her about creating her own farm. One aspect that made Liz’s memorial service notable was the overflowing donation pile of animal food that filled the building entrance. This was a real tribute to Liz and her dedication to and love of animals.

DO-IT Pals

DOIT Pals are high school students with disabilities who are interested in attending college and pursuing a career. They communicate online with each other and with DOIT Scholars, Ambassadors, Mentors, and staff members. They are supported in their efforts to explore and pursue postsecondary programs and career interests. DOIT Pals communicate with each other by sending email to They reach the entire group of DOIT Pals, Scholars, Ambassadors, and Mentors by sending messages to Become a DO-IT Pal by requesting an application from


DO-IT Mentors

Mentors encourage DOIT Scholars, Ambassadors, and Pals as they pursue academic programs and careers. Most Mentors have disabilities themselves. They share valuable experiences, insights, and resources with younger participants. Mentors communicate with each other by sending messages to The entire group of Mentors, Pals, Scholars, and Ambassadors are reached by sending messages to

Adanna Abakporo
Youth Summer Program Coordinator
Open Doors for Multicultural Families

Elita Baldridge

Kevin Berg
Cerebral palsy
Fouder and Head Tech
CompuPane, LLC 

Anindya “Bapin” Bhattacharyya
Coordinator of National Outreach Technology Development and Training Program
Helen Keller National Center
CEO of Bapin Group, LLC

Martha Bosma
Professor of Biology
University of Washington

Karen L. Braitmayer
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Architect, business owner
Karen Braitmayer, FAIA

Gina Ceylan
Visual impairment
Ph.D. candidate
University of Missouri

Wendy Chisholm
Senior accessibility strategist

Rebecca Cory
Learning disability
Associate dean of instruction
Bellevue College

Frank Cuta
Electrical engineer
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs

Don Daughtry
Visual impairment
Assistant professor
University of North Dakota

Imke Durre
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center

Sal Edwards

Kings Floyd

John Gardner
President and CEO
ViewPlus Technologies

Kajari Ghosh Dastidar
Computer scientist 

Molly Gilmore
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

John Goettle

Marni Goldman
Spinal muscular atrophy
Educational director

Julie Grant
Paraplegic, L2 spinal cord injury
Ocupational therapist

Roger Harris
Stroke, kidney failure
Associate professor emeritus, retired
University of Washington, School of Medicine

Morgan Hiraiwa

Erich Ho
Cerebral palsy

Mamoru Iwabuchi
Associate professor
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Tokyo

Sungeeta Jain
The Orphan Project, India

Abid Kapadya
Project manager

Joshua Lessing
Founder and director
Soft Robotics, Inc.

Karen Liu
Statistical research associate
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Sara Lopez
Program administrator and lecturer
University of Washington, Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership Program

Kevin Lybarger
University of Washington

Jennifer Mankoff
Computer science professor
Carnegie Mellon University

Robert F. McKellar
Spina bifida
Author of An Accident of Birth, educator, and counselor

Theresa Mina
Learning disability
Academic advisor

Stephanie Moore
Project scientist
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Jennifer Mundl
C1-ventilator dependent, quadriplegia
Assistive technology specialist
Courage Center Rehabilitation Facility

Tuan (Brandon) Nguyen

Monica Olsson
Cerebral palsy
Coordinator of disability support services and academic counselor
DigiPen Institute of Technology

Ray Parker

Bruce Parks
Hearing impairment
School improvement coordinator
Vermont Department of Education

Gay Lloyd Pinder
Program director and speech language pathologist
Children’s Therapy Center

Tracy Rackensperger
Cerebral palsy
Outreach coordinator
University of Georgia

Charity Ranger
Friedreich’s ataxia
Independent Living program staff
Alliance of People with disAbilities

Sally Richards
Workforce specialist, disability program
Northwest Employment and Training Center

Michael Richardson
Northwest Americans with Disabilities Act Center

Keith Routley
Museum curator/division chief

Tracy Schramm Peterson
Mobility impairment
Computer science, Spanish major
Southwest State University

Eva-Marie Seeto
Director, Student Life and Learning
University of the Sunshine Coast

Marcia Sipe-Dan
Post traumatic stress disorder and brain damage
Vocational rehabilitation counselor
OSC Vocational Systems

Greg Smith
C-5 quadriplegia
Principle research software development engineer

Carole Snyder
Cerebral palsy
Software developer engineer

Val Sundby-Thorp
Dean for social science and business
South Puget Sound Community College

Aimee Verrall
Research coordinator
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington

Jennifer Weisbart-Moreno

Vasanth Williams
Software engineer

Paul Zaveruha

Staff Mentors


My name is Sheryl Burgstahler, and I am the founder and director of the DO‑IT and Access Technology Centers at the University of Washington (UW). I am also an affiliate professor in the College of Education. I have a master’s degree in mathematics and a Ph.D. in policy, governance, and administration of higher education. DO-IT allows me to apply my personal, academic, and professional interests and experiences. I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis, who are both dedicated DO‑IT volunteers and UW Huskies. Dave is a professor of accounting and Travis is an accountant in the risk assurance unit in the Seattle office of PricewaterhouseCoopers. The ‘93 Scholars remember Travis hanging around DO-IT Summer Study when he was three years old.


I’m Scott Bellman. I am the program manager at DO-IT. I completed a master’s degree in 1996 in rehabilitation counseling and earned my undergraduate degree in psychology and business. I am a licensed mental health counselor in Washington State. My work at DO-IT includes career counseling, writing, planning events, coordinating projects, supervising others, mentoring, and of course Summer Study! I serve on several boards and committees, including the Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment. I have co-authored several papers about work-based learning. Outside of work, my interests include performance art, camping, hiking, carpentry, and travel.


My name is Brianna Blaser, and I am a counselor/coordinator at the DO-IT Center. Originally from the East Coast, I moved to Seattle to attend graduate school at the University of Washington, where I earned my Ph.D. studying women in science. I enjoy spending time with my daughter, Evelyn.


Hello! My name is Kayla Brown. I was an ‘05 Scholar and am a counselor/coordinator at DO‑IT. I have a master of social work from the University of Washington. My previous studies have included community psychology and disability studies. My passion is community outreach, community-based participatory research, and disability activism. At DO-IT, I work one-on-one with students to tackle goal setting, academic planning, and building a support system. My hobbies include reading comics and YA novels, watching the Food Network, crafting, and playing board games.


I manage the University of Washington’s Access Technology Center (ATC). We work directly with students, faculty, and staff with disabilities who need to access computing resources, and we also help web and application developers make exciting and accessible online resources. I’ve been working with DO-IT since it began.


My name is Lyla Crawford. I am a counselor/coordinator for DO‑IT. I work in the Spokane office. I have a master’s degree in developmental psychology. I have a husband, Shawn, and a son, Joshua.


My name is Marvin Crippen. I help with technical support and web design for DO‑IT.  In my free time I enjoy biking, skiing, cooking, and TSD Road Rallying.


My name is Doug Hayman. I’m the technology specialist for DO‑IT. When not at work, I play guitar, hike, and hang out with friends.


My name is Terrill Thompson. I am a technology accessibility specialist for DO‑IT. I help educate K–12 and postsecondary educational institutions, technology vendors, government agencies, and others on how to ensure that technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities. I also teach accessible web design to students through our ongoing series of Web Accessibility Trainings. I live in Bellingham and work most of the time from an office at Western Washington University. When I am not working, you can usually find me hiking in the mountains, playing guitar, or spending quality time with my family.


Hi! My name is Tami Tidwell. I am a counselor/coordinator for DO‑IT. Throughout the year, I enjoy working with high school and college students on topics like college admissions, scholarships, internships, employment, accommodations, and disclosure strategies. Being able to build long and lasting relationships is one of the best parts of working at DO-IT. Outside of work, I like to play in my urban farm and garden, support local live music, spend time with my family and friends, and play with our cats and pup. I really enjoy having fresh eggs and honey from my chickens and honeybees. I have dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and celiac. I am also hard of hearing. I have a degree in psychology from Texas Christian University. I was born and raised in Cowtown (a.k.a. Ft. Worth, TX).


My name is Debra Zawada. I have worked as program coordinator at DO-IT since 2004. I completed my undergraduate work in special education in Buffalo, NY and my graduate work at the University of Washington. My background is as a high school teacher and transition counselor for students with disabilities. One of my passions is supporting students as they figure out their transition to college.


Key Electronic Resources

For program resources related to DO‑IT, college and career success for people with disabilities, assistive and accessible technology, and universal design, access the DO‑IT website at

To contact DO-IT staff and ask questions about DO-IT programs and resources, send an email to

DOIT Scholars and Ambassadors communicate with each other by sending messages to

DOIT Mentors, Pals, Scholars, and Ambassadors communicate with each other by sending messages to

Cohorts of DOIT Scholars from 2000 and later can communicate by sending email to Cohorts of DOIT Scholars from 1999 and earlier can communicate by sending email to (where xxxx or xx, respectively, is the year they became a DOIT Scholar).

Parents and guardians of DOIT Scholars and Ambassadors can join a discussion list for parents by sending a request to


DO-IT Funding

DO‑IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) serves to increase the successful participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs such as those in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Primary funding for DO‑IT is provided by the National Science Foundation, the state of Washington, and the U.S. Department of Education. The University of Washington also contributes substantial resources to this project.

Additional grants and gifts have been received from The Boeing Company; Bristol-Myers Squibb; The Dole Foundation, Telecommunications Funding Partnership; The Institute for Human Centered Design; Dynamac Corporation; Eisenhower Professional Development Program, Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Jeld-Wen Foundation; Microsoft Corporation; Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); NEC Foundation of America; Samuel S. Johnson Foundation; The Seattle Foundation; U.S. Department of Labor; and Visio Corporation.

DO‑IT has partnered with more than fifty postsecondary institutions. It has also received donations or gifts in-kind from many other corporations and individuals, including 3Com Corporation; American Computer Experience; AOL Foundation; Apple Computer; Ashland Kiwanis Club; Boxlight Corporation; The Braitmayer Foundation; Cascade Sign Company; Compaq; ComputerGear Inc.; Connectix Hooker Northwest; Courage Center; Digital Vision; DTP Micro Systems; Ephrata School District; Fessenden Booster Club, North Dakota; Ford Motor Company; Honda; Honeywell International Foundation, Inc.; Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy; Intel Corporation; Klickitat County Retired Teachers Unit 10; Macrostaff; Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.; Nike, Inc.; Nintendo of America, Inc.; Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Olathe East High School; Olathe East National Honor Society; Outdoors for All; P. Roger Hillerstrom, Inc.; Pacific Science Center; Poquoson High School Key Club; PTI Communications; Sun Microsystems; Sundog; University Book Store; University of Colorado at Boulder; US West; US West Foundation; Washington Department of Services for the Blind; and Whatcom Community College.

Additional partners who have offered internships for participants, hosted training and events, and otherwise engaged with DO-IT include dozens of primary and secondary schools as well as Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Society; Access Technologists Higher Education Network (ATHEN); Advancing Robotics Technology for Societal Impact; Alaska Department of Fish & Game; Alaska Museum of Natural History; Alaska/Idaho/Oregon/Washington Science Teachers Associations (ASTA/ISTA/OSTA/WSTA); Allying Companies, Communities, and Employees with Skills for Success (ACCESS);; American Red Cross; American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Anita Borg Institute; Association for Computing Machinery; Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (ACM SIGACCESS); Association for Higher Education and Disabilities (AHEAD); Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE); Auburn University; Auburn State University; Aultman Hospital; Bellevue Boys & Girls Club; Bellevue College; Berea College; Cascades Volcano Observatory; Camp Courage; Caribbean Computing Center for Excellence; Carnegie Mellon University; Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in Information Technology; Seattle Children’s Hospital; Challenger Learning Center; City of Bremerton; City of Seattle; City University of New York; Clemson University; Clover Park Community College; Coldwell Banker; Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education; Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions; Computing Research Association; Computer Science Teachers Association; Cornell University; Deaf-Blind Service Center; Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs); Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) activity hosts; Disability Support Service Council (DSSC); Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; East Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM; Easter Seals Washington; Emerald City Rotary Club; Empowering Leadership Alliance; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; Florida State University; Gallaudet University; Georgia Computes! Alliance; Georgia Tech; Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment; Hart Computer Technology; High School - High Tech; Highline School District – Secondary Special Education; Idaho Assistive Technology Program (IATP); Idaho National Labratory; Idaho Council for Exceptional Children (ICEC); Impact Studios; Incight; Independent Living Centers; InterConnections; Into the Loop; Invision Learning; Kindering Center; Lane County Women, Infants, & Children Center; Landmark College; Leonardo Museum; Life Sciences Education Achievement Partnership (LEAP); Manatee Community College; Math and Engineering Science Achievement (MESA); Medtronic; Midwest RDE Alliance; Minorities in Science and Engineering Program (MSEP); Missouri Southern State University; National Center for Secondary Education and Transition; National Center for the Study of Postsecondary Educational Support, University of Hawaii; National Center for Women & Information Technology; National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute; National Girls Collaborative Project; NOAA; National Parks System; National Technical Institute for the Deaf; National Weather Service; New Mexico State University; Nordstrom; North Carolina State University; North Star Borough Library; Northwest Engineering Talent Expansion Partnership (ETEP); Northwest Girls Cooperative; Northwind, Inc.; Ocean House Alliance; One-stop Resource Centers; Oregon State University; organizations from Japan, Korea, and India; Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER); Pediatric Critical Care program of Seattle Children’s; Portland State University; Port of Seattle; Positive Solutions; Pride Polymers; Providence Medical Center; Puget Sound ESD Transition Specialist Group; Purdue University; Quality of Life Center, South Korea; Raven Software; Reaching the Pinnacle; Reel Grrls; Renton Public Library; Renton School District, Life Management Program, Secondary Special Education; RDE Regional Alliances for Persons with Disabilities (RADs); Rochester Institute of Technology; Rose International Fund; Seatac Airport; Seattle Biomed; Seattle Secondary Special Education; Seoul National University; Sheldon-Jackson College; Sierra Club Washington; Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Starbucks Coffee; The STARS Alliance; Tethers Unlimited; Touch the Future, Inc.; Towson University; University of Alaska; University of Cincinnati; University of Dayton; University of Florida; University of Idaho; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of Pittsburgh; University of Rochester; University of South Carolina; University of Tokyo; UW Genomics Outreach for Minorities (GenOM) Project; UW Center for Neurotechnology (CNT); UW Virtual Alliance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in STEM; Washington Access Services; Washington Assistive Technology Alliance; Washington Association for Postsecondary Education and Disability (WAPED); Washington Library Network; Washington PAVE – Project CORE; Washington School Information Processing Cooperative’s WEDNET; Washington State Business Leadership Network (WSBLN); Washington State University; Women in Science and Engineering (WISE); Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP); and Xerox.