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General Recommendations

  1. Regularly remind students of the academic misconduct section in the Student Conduct Code, in class and in your syllabus
  2. Explain how the Code applies to your specific course regarding cheating, falsification, and/or plagiarism, and advise students of the consequences of academic misconduct
    • Remember that some pieces of the code need additional instructions to understand how they apply to an assignment. Specifically, unauthorized assistance, unauthorized collaboration, and prohibited behavior are based on the expectations set for that assignment or that class.
    • For example, it is never appropriate for students to plagiarize but there are assignments where they can work with others, please indicate where that isn’t permitted for an assignment.
  3. Students may participate in academic misconduct because they are doing poorly in  class
    • Explain to students that you are willing and available to discuss academic concerns with them
    • Regularly encourage students to go to office hours or to schedule a time to meet with you
  4. Students engaging in academic misconduct are often struggling in other areas of their lives, which makes it difficult for them to spend as much time on their academics as they would like. We find that in general, students want to do their work honestly.
  5. Identify common pitfalls for students in advance. If you have an assignment that regularly produces concerns of misconduct, alert your students and provide them with additional  guidance regarding how you would like them to complete the assignment