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Academic Misconduct

University of Washington students are expected to practice high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity. As defined in Student Governance Policy, Chapter 209 Section 7.C, academic misconduct includes:

  • Cheating
  • Falsification
  • Plagiarism
  • Unauthorized collaboration
  • Engaging in prohibited behavior
  • Submitting the same work for separate courses without the permission of the instructor(s)
  • Taking deliberate action to destroy or damage another person’s academic work
  • Recording and/or disseminating instructional content without the permission of the instructor (unless approved as a disability accommodation

See Section 7.C for more detailed information and definitions of academic misconduct.


Academic misconduct violations may only be adjudicated under WAC 478-121 and Student Governance and Policies, Chapter 209 by those who have the authority to initiate a conduct proceeding. This ensures a student’s due process rights, creates consistency in the process, and accountability for any additional misconduct by the student. For additional information about the student conduct process visit Student Conduct Process.