UW Alumni Association UW Department of Biology

Biology eNews


Awards & Achievements

Faculty Honors:

Prof. Toby Bradshaw and Emeritus Prof. Aimee Bakken were named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAAS Fellows are “recognized for their meritorious efforts to advance science or its applications”.

Emeritus Prof. Robert Cleland was among 53 scholars chosen as inaugural Fellows of the American Society of Plant Biologists. This award is given to recognize "distinguished and long-term contributions to plant biology and service to the society by current members in areas that include research, education, mentoring, outreach, and professional and public service".

Prof. Dee Boersma was awarded the 2008 Grace Hopper Outstanding Achievement Award. This award honors a northwest woman who has achieved greatness in the fields of mathematics, science, or technology. The Seattle Girl's School will present the award to Dee in April.

Prof. Richard Strathmann received honorable mention for Graduate Program Mentor of the Year Award. This award recognizes outstanding mentoring of graduate students by faculty. Richard was nominated by the graduate students in his lab.

Student Honors:

Jeff Bowman, a biology major, received a Levinson Emerging Scholars Award to support his research with Oceanography professor Julian Sachs.

Alumni Honors:

Mark Scheuerell, a 2002 Zoology PhD grad, received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. Dr. Scheuerell traveled to Washington D.C. to receive the award from President Bush.

Katie Dobkowski, Botany class of 2004, joined the New Science Teacher Academy as an Amgen Associate Fellow. Only 100 Associate Fellows are selected nationally to join each year. Ms. Dobkowski is currently a middle school teacher at Beaver Lake Middle School in Issaquah, WA.

Did we miss anyone?  Please tell us about your awards, achievements, and announcements so we can add them to future Biology Newsletters and/or post them on the News Section of our website. Please email your awards and announcements to: kbrady@u.washington.edu.