UW Alumni Association UW Department of Biology

Biology eNews


Awards & Achievements in 2007

Faculty Honors:

Prof. Horacio de la Iglesia received the Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. Horacio was nominated by the students working in his lab. The award was presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in May.

Dr. Mary Pat Wenderoth was voted the UW class of 2007’s favorite professor. She gave the “Last Word Talk” to graduating seniors during Washington Weekend. Mary Pat’s exceptional teaching was also recognized in 2001 when she was awarded a Distinguished Teaching Award.

Prof. Ray Huey was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, an honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Staff Honors:

Judy Farrow, the Department of Biology’s graduate program manager, received honorable mention for the Graduate Program Assistant of the Year. This honor is awarded by the UW Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). Last year the GPSS awarded the Department of Biology the Gold Star Award in recognition of the outstanding graduate student services provided in large part by Judy and Prof. Toby Bradshaw, the Associate Chair for the Graduate Program.

Student Honors:

Leah Schrager, a double majorin biology and dance, received one of four Dean’s medals for the College of Arts & Sciences. Leah was awarded the Dean’s Medal in the Arts.

Sean Hughes, a triple major in neurobiology, biochemistry, and Danish, was also chosen to receive one of four Dean’s medals for the College of Arts & Sciences. Sean received the Dean’s Medal in the Humanities.

Elijah Burbank, a biology major, received the Office of Minority Affairs’ President’s Achievement Award. This is the highest honor awarded by the OMA.

Erica Curry, a biology major, received the second highest honor awarded by the Office of Minority Affairs, the Vice-President’s Achievement Award. Erica was also an HHMI Biology Fellow in 2005-06.

Eugene Beaird, a biology major, was named the EOP QFC Scholar.

Laura Contreras and Joyce Liew, both biology majors, received EOP Merit Awards. Laura is a William & Ruth Gerberding Scholar and Joyce is a Nancy Lawton Weber Scholar.

Did we miss anyone?  Please tell us about your awards, achievements, and announcements so we can add them to future Biology Newsletters and/or post them on the News Section of our website. Please email your awards and announcements to: kbrady@u.washington.edu.