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University of Washington Human Resources

Professional & Organizational Development

Proofreading and Editing (Q0470)

Mixed course

Class content will be delivered onsite at the POD Classrooms and a self-paced online learning class, followed by a live Zoom session.


Participants in this course learn to more effectively improve what they and others write. Through online content, in-class discussion, and exercises, participants explore when and how to apply different levels of editing, from a light touch to a heavier hand. In addition, participants learn about the roles of the proofreader and editor, proofreading techniques and symbols, editing procedures, and strategies for improving writing without destroying the author’s intent or ego.

This class assumes knowledge of basic grammar and punctuation rules.

NOTE: The course fee includes a copy of Amy Einsohn’s The Copyeditor's Handbook, a practical manual for both novice and experienced editors. This physical book is required for participation in class. Your choice of pickup options include UBookstore pick-up or campus mailbox delivery. Details will be communicated prior class.

Instructor: Jamie Wilson

  Quarter Section Class Schedule Register Before Fee
Register SP24 A Tuesdays, May 7 & 14, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 5/2/2024 $185
Version: 1.3.8888.27960